Kendall Jenner Has Seriously Angered Ballerinas With Her 'Vogue Espana' Dance Shoot -- Find Out Why!

The dance world took to Twitter to express their rage over the 'disrespectful' and 'dangerous' feature.

The dance world is not happy with Kendall Jenner.

In her latest photo shoot with Vogue España, the 20-year-old model attempts to be a ballerina for the day, but unfortunately, she only pirouetted herself into a pool of major haters.

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In one of the pics, Kendall leans against a barre, dressed in a silky beige dress and matching gloves. While her ballerina bun is totally en pointe, her form and footwork is nowhere near close to that of a classically trained dancer.

For starters, the pointe shoes Kendall is sporting are lacking the silky ribbons that normally lace up around a ballerina's ankles for support, and the center knot is not neatly tucked into the shoe -- two basic style lessons ballet dancers learn during their first week in a beginner's pointe class. It's also clear that the shoes were not broken in prior to the shoot, as they reveal no arch when the reality star attempts to stand on her tiptoes.

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In the accompanying video feature, Kendall dons a classic black ballet leotard, but with a pair of furry black pointe shoes that had real dancers screaming, "WTF?"

"I had to grow up pretty fast, but I love being a kid," Kendall says in the clip, as her noticeably un-pointed feet appear in the frame, magically floating in the air.

She then (well, tries to!) sashay across the studio floor, using the barre for support, while jumping back and forth.

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Not only did dancers find the video "disrespectful," they also found it majorly dangerous -- trying to twirl en pointe with no training is almost guaranteed to land you an injury. In case you need reference to just how far off her form and technique was, here's Misty Copeland, principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre, showing you:

1. How to correctly wear pointe shoes

2. How to gracefully lean on a barre

3. How to flawlessly turn en pointe

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Fans trained in ballet were quick to comment on the shoot via Twitter, writing things like, "OMG, this form is cringeworthy!," "Kendall's ballet shoot is literally SO offensive to dancers, you can't just put on a pair of pointe shoes and go for it," and "she's appropriating ballet culture."

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Even Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller weighed in on the controversy via Instagram. Naturally, she was the harshest critic of all.

"I don't make a habit of commenting on all the dancers that post pics with incorrect technique. I would never get anything else done!" she wrote. "But I cannot be a fan of this shoot. There are so many amazing dancers in the world… Kendall Jenner is not one of them! Shame on Momager, Kris Jenner!!!"

"She never made these kids take dance class," Abby Lee continued. "She better get North West to the @aldcstudiola before it's too late!"

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