Priyanka Chopra Gives Tip to Staying Fit Without 'Killing Yourself at the Gym'

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Priyanka Chopra doesn't subscribe to the phrase, "Listen to your body."

"I don't listen to my body. My body listens to me," she tells the November issue of Women's Health. "I can't afford to be sick or low on energy. It's mind over matter: I'm going to have a good day, and not in that fake 'Happy girls are the best girls!' way."

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The 34-year-old actress can't afford not to take care of herself because she does her own stunts on Quantico and therefore must stay "super active and agile."

"I do all my fights myself," Chopra notes. "I trust my body and my instincts."

That being said, she admits that her life doesn't revolve around her workouts. "Life is just really fast-paced and you don't have to kill yourself in the gym," Chopra advises. "You don't have to starve yourself. I love having my pizzas and burgers and buffalo wings, on the side, for sure. But I like staying fit as well."

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In addition to her beloved role on Quantico, Chopra also stars as a villain in the upcoming Baywatch movie. Here's a look at her character that she told ET scares her famous co-stars.