Ellen DeGeneres Addresses Presidential Election: 'We're Far More Alike Than We Are Different'

Ellen DeGeneres reminds us all of our similarities.

Ellen DeGeneres is appealing for unity in the United States.

The 58-year-old comedian addresses the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, in remarks that were actually taped before Donald Trump was officially elected president. DeGeneres openly supported Clinton, attending fundraisers and interviewing the 69-year-old politician when she appeared on her popular daytime show just last month.

"People have been very passionate about this race. And I think it's because we all love our country -- we just have different ideas about what's best for it, which is part of what makes America great," DeGeneres said, wearing a sweater reading "love." "And I believe we can all come together because if you take away the labels, you realize we're far more alike than we are different."

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"It doesn't matter if you're a liberal or if you're conservative, we've all passed out watching Netflix and woke up not knowing what episode we're on, what season we're on, whose couch we're on," she joked.

The Finding Dory star implored the audience to have "kindness and respect for one another," while maintaining her trademark sense of humor.

"What I'm trying to say is that we have so much in common, our differences actually make us stronger," she said. "We need to have the kindness and respect for one another. Here's where I make the exception: the people that leave the shopping carts in the middle of your parking spot. Out of the country. Kick them out of the country. Bring the shopping cart back!"

DeGeneres also took to Twitter shortly before the final results were in to give a shout out to Clinton. "@HillaryClinton, however this ends tonight I am so proud of you and so honored to be your friend," she wrote.

Many celebrities have taken to social media to express their shock at Trump's stunning upset, including outspoken Clinton supporters Katy Perry, Madonna, and Lady Gaga.

"Do not sit still," Perry tweeted early Wednesday morning. "Do not weep. MOVE. We are not a nation that will let HATE lead us."

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On Wednesday, Jennifer Lopez revealed that she's grown close to Chelsea Clinton, on account of the two being neighbors in New York City. "Our kids have played together," she told 2day FM hosts Rove and Sam.

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