Alec Baldwin, Julianne Moore, Cher, More Stars Participate in 'We Stand United' Rally Ahead of the Inauguratio

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The peaceful anti-Trump protest took place in NYC outside of Trump Tower.

Celebrities who oppose Donald Trump are not sitting out this Inauguration. The night before Trump is to be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, A-listers came out in droves for the “We Stand United” rally in New York City.

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Stars including Alec Baldwin, Julianne Moore, Cher, Mark Ruffalo, Shailene Woodley, Marissa Tomei, Robert De Niro, Sally Field, Rosie Perez, Michael Moore, Cynthia Nixon, and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio all spoke and sang at the rally, which was held outside of Trump Towers.

Baldwin, who has been slammed by the president-elect for his portrayal on Saturday Night Live, got up to address the crowd in character, and didn’t hold back.

“I just want to say I’ve been standing out here in the freezing cold for a long time,” Baldwin complained in his Trump voice. “I have to go to the bathroom, I have to pee. But I’m holding it in. I’m not going to pee. I’m going to a function at the Russian consulate tonight. I’m going to hold it in until I get there. And then when I get to the Russian consulate, I’m going to have a really, really long pee.”

De Niro also had fun mocking Trump, specifically his Twitter rants.

“I’m very happy to be here tonight with all of you and all of my overrated friends,” the actor quipped. He also read off some “future” tweets he predicted from Trump, saying, “De Niro should give back his Oscars, voting was rigged.”

Ruffalo went for a more inspiring message, telling the crowd, “Man, I need you. I needed tonight. Did you need this? Man, I needed to be with my brothers and sisters here and to know that there’s hope in the world and that we have one another.”

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Woodley added that love was the key factor in the opposition’s movement, saying, “Let’s be the bigger people who open our arms. We don’t have to agree. We don’t have to understand, but we have to start communicating, and we have to start communicating with compassion and love.”

For more from the upcoming Inauguration, watch the clip below.