Taylor Swift Fans Can't Stop Praising the Singer for Her Pointed and Feisty Testimony in Alleged Groping Trial

Love and clap emojis all around.

Taylor Swift's tour de force testimony was not unnoticed by her fans.

People rushed to social media on Friday after the 1989 singer took the stand in her legal battle against ex-radio host David Mueller. The trial surrounds a 2013 incident where Swift alleges the then Denver, Colorado, country station host groped her. Mueller has denied the accusations, and sued Swift in September 2015, claiming she cost him his job and future career opportunities. Swift counter-sued Mueller for assault and battery.

RELATED: Taylor Swift Takes the Stand in Alleged Groping Trial: His Hand 'Grabbed Onto My A** Cheek'

During her testimony on Thursday, Swift was polite yet feisty in her responses to Mueller's lawyer. She restated her accusations several times throughout the testimony, repeatedly stating that Meuller "grabbed [onto her] a** cheek."

"I'm not going to allow you and your client in any way make me feel like it's my fault, because it isn't," Swift said, addressing the allegations that she cost Mueller his job.

WATCH: Taylor Swift Alleged Groping Trial: Everything You Need to Know

Jeff Kandyba via AP

On other occasions she elicited laughter from the courtroom at her sassy responses, especially when she told Mueller's lawyer that it was difficult for others to witness the alleged grope because she was up against a wall during and "my a** is located on the back of my body."

Swift fans were quick to praise her demeanor on stand.

I'm really proud of Taylor Swift for making it clear that the only person to blame is always the one who violates a woman's body. ONLY," one fan tweeted, in response to Swift's testimony.

"It is SO important for sexual assault victims to be confident & stand up for what they KNOW happened & Taylor is out there setting that ex[ample]," another fan added.

WATCH: Taylor Swift's Mom Tearfully Testifies at Alleged Groping Trial: 'I Wanted to Vomit and Cry at the Same Time'

All morning, tweets were piling on praising "courtroom badass" Swift for her "savage" and "empowering" on-stand appearance. Read on for more of them below.

WATCH: Judge Seals Photo of Taylor Swift in Groping Lawsuit

Meanwhile, Swift's support isn't only coming from her fans. The 26-year-old singer's family was in the courtroom, and Swift's mom broke down while taking the stand to testify against Mueller.

Watch the video below for more.