This Old Man Eating Alone With a Photo of His Late Wife Will Make You Believe in True Love


Someone give us a hug and a Double Double asap!

If you didn’t expect to cry this morning, there’s been a change of plans.

Twitter user Madina Bashizadah tweeted this amazing photo of an older man eating at a Bay Area In-N-Out, alone except for a faded photograph of his late wife. (If you really want to feel all the feels, look at this picture while listening to this 93-year-old man read a poem about his late wife).

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“I noticed that he had a photo with him. Automatically, I assumed she wasn't here with us," Madina told Huffington Post. "I started tearing up, because it was such a beautiful moment but heartbreaking at the same time."

All of that is touching enough on its own. But Madina says other diners eventually went up to the man and asked about his photo, which he was happy to explain. If you weren’t crying before, buckle up and grab a tissue.

“We found out that she was his sweetheart, his wife who passed away 5 years ago,” Madina says. “They met at 17, but the war had kept them apart. He had searched for her for 10 years and one day as he was telling his barber the story, the barber calls his daughter in and it ends up being her. They were married instantly and it lasted for 55 years until she passed. He takes her photo everywhere. On one side of the laminated photo it's him and her sitting on a couch together and on the back it has a photo of him and her side by side when they were young. Goes to show you true love does exist.”

Incredible. We want a hug and a Double Double now, please.

And here’s something completely different: a 62-year-old model bares all!