Ricky Schroder Apologizes to Costco Employee After Posting Their Confrontation About Masks

The former child star is apologizing to a Costco employee, whom he filmed refusing to let him into the store without a mask on.

Ricky Schroder is apologizing to a Costco employee named Jason, whom he filmed refusing to let him into the store without a mask on.

In a video the 51-year-old former NYPD Blue star posted on Instagram on Sunday, Jason -- who says he's a supervisor at Costco -- calmly explains that he can't let him into the store without a mask on because the mandate in California has not changed when it comes to wearing masks despite the CDC recently stating that fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying six feet apart.

"You're going to listen to these people?" Schroder asked him. "They've destroyed our economy. They're destroying our culture. They're destroying our state. And you're just going to listen to their rules?"

When Jason replied that Costco was listening to guidelines and went "above and beyond" when it comes to following the law, Schroder said he was getting a refund and encouraged everyone watching the video to boycott Costco.

"Boycott Costco till they act like a Free American Company," he wrote.

But in a later Instagram video, Schroder apologized to Jason, though he stood by his position when it comes to wearing masks.

"Jason, nothing personal. I'm not upset with you or anybody in the position like you have, who works for a living," Schroder said. "I understand that you were following their laws and rules. I was trying to make a point to the corporate overlords and sorry that I had to use you to do it. And if I hurt your feelings, I apologize."

"I do think that independence from medical tyranny is more important than hurting people's feelings, and so, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings," he continued. "But I want us all to be free. I want us all to go back to the way it was. I don't want this COVID reality they want, the COVID passports. I just don't want it. And neither should you."

California's mask mandate is still in place for stores and places of employment and Gov. Gavin Newsom has said he is looking to lift the mandate in June.