Alec Baldwin & John Krasinski Face-Off in Baseball Feud

Alec Baldwin & John Krasinski Face-Off in Baseball Feud

Baseball's biggest rivalry has sparked television's funniest feud seen in these behind-the-scenes clips of Alec Baldwin and John Krasinski's upcoming New Era Cap commercial titled One Hitter.

"When I was asked to do this, I thought I would never want to do this with somebody I've never met," said Baldwin, a loyal Yankees fan. "I did this because I wanted to do it with [Krasinski]."

The two actors developed a bond while working on the 2009 movie 'It's Complicated,' but that didn't stop them from razzing each other about their sports affiliations.

Krasinski, a Red Sox fan, described the lengths that Boston devotees go to celebrate their team's big wins, saying they relish victories by "wearing a flag, body paint, pyrotechnics [and] usually 3,000 people in the street cheering."

Baldwin commented that since a Yankees win is "expected," he usually celebrates casually with a "cup of herbal tea."

"My favorite Yankee moment was when I went to the Yankee game with Lorne Michaels and Paul McCartney, because they brought us our food so fast," said Baldwin, who joked that the tickets cost "about $10,000 a piece."

Krasinski revealed that his most cherished Red Sox moment was seeing himself on the "front page of the Sports section of the Boston Herald and the Boston Globe holding up a sign that said, 'What curse?'" during one of the team's playoff runs.

The new commercial begins airing Friday, May 13, just in time for Game 1 in the Yankees/Red Sox second series of 2011. Click the video to see how Baldwin works in a put-down while talking about his "favorite" movie.