Season's Villains Emerge on 'Bachelor'


Season's Villains Emerge on 'Bachelor'

The girls of The Bachelor brought the whining to wine country in Sonoma, California, pun intended. On Monday's episode, Jenna's sobbing continued to ferment and Blakeley and Samantha joined her in the crybaby club.

The week started out on a very high note. On their one-on-one date, Ben Flajnik and Kacie B. made a seemingly good connection as they strolled through his hometown. Adding a sentimental touch, they went to a movie theater to watch childhood home movies. This really gave Kacie B. insight on how much Ben's late father has shaped who he's grown to be. She said, "Ben's reaction to the movie solidified that he is real and genuine and he doesn't want to hold anything back… I think I have found what could be a lifetime of love with Ben." Emerging from the pack as a favorite, Ben handed Kacie B. a rose and said, "You being here really affirmed for me that I made the right decision [to do The Bachelor]."

Mother Goose visited the group date, as a dozen women auditioned for a children's theater production of Prince Pinot of Bachelorville. All the ladies were desperate to kick-off their once upon a time. Nicki was impressed by Ben's paternal instinct with the kids who wrote the play, commenting, "He'd be a good dad. That's a turn-on."

None of the princesses-to-be had to kiss a frog in the play, but one of Ben's costumes was baa-rely there when he ripped off his sheep costume and stood on stage in his skivvies. The voluptuous Blakeley also let it all hang out, which irritated the other women. Her confidence won over Prince Charming because he offered her rose, making her even more of an evil queen and threat.

The cocktail waitress was called a "slut" by Samantha, who ran off to the bathroom in tears, "fakeley" by Jaclyn, and "toxic” by Kacie B. She rubbed everyone the wrong way by monopolizing so much of Ben's limited time, seeking solo time in the pool and then again during the cocktail party. Ben interpreted her actions as "making the most of her time with me in conversation." All the snide remarks aside, Blakeley asserted, "The potential for me to fall in love with Ben is absolutely there." Although she was already in possession of a rose, she later lost her self-esteem in the cocktail party, crumbling in a corner in tears tucked away with luggage.

Ben became smitten with Courtney as they hiked with his dog Scotch on a one-on-one date. They bonded over both being settled in their careers and ready to commit to a forever relationship, but the Twitterverse has been questioning her sincerity. Her housemates certainly are not fond of the model. Erika said, "Courtney is trying to deflate all the other girls… She's purposely doing this to get under our skin and it’s working." Blinded by her beauty, Ben said, "Courtney today has captured my attention… [She] makes me think big picture." Needless to say, he gave her a rose.

In a last minute effort to make a connection, Jenna pulled Ben aside to divulge, "I feel like I'm a guy in how I act. Being around girls all the time is a little abnormal for me." Not a good move apparently because she was sent home, in what else but tears, at the rose ceremony. Her parting words: "I'm in shock. I came here looking for love. I did. I'm sick. These girls distracted him. Are you kidding me? I'm mortified." Viewers will probably being seeing and hearing more from this vocal girl on After the Final Rose. I hope she brings a box of tissues.

MORE: 'Bachelor''s Amber T: Jenna Was A 'Hot Mess'

Does Ben find his happily ever after? Tune in to The Bachelor Monday nights on ABC … and then tack on a few months after the finale to see if he walks down the aisle with his pick. The promo for next week teases escalated drama and tension as Grandma's girl Brittney urgently pulls Ben aside, a ghost of girlfriends past visits, and a bachelorette passes out during filming in San Francisco.

Still in the running: Jennifer, Emily, Elyse, Jaclyn, Erika, Rachel, Lindzi, Nicki, Casey S., Samantha, Monica, Jamie, Brittney, Kacie B., Blakeley, and Courtney.