'Bachelorette' Finale: Jef Asks for Blessing
The Bachelorette culminates in its grand finale this weekend when Emily Maynard decides which man will be her potential mate; however, before the potential proposal happens, Jef and Arie ask Emily's father for his blessing.
As the show has progressed Jef has seemed to fall into a deep love with Emily and wants to be with her for a long time. Conveying those feelings to her father may be an intimidating task, but Jef knows how important it is to have his blessing.
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"Meeting Emily and dating her like this, it's been incredible," he says in the featured sneak peek. "I've completely fallen in love with her and I, more than anything, want Emily to be happy and I wouldn't feel right taking the next steps towards Emily being together if I didn't have your seal of approval too."
Check out the clip above to hear Emily's father's response, and see who Emily picks on The Bachelorette finale this Sunday at 8 p.m. on ABC.