'The Flash' Boss Talks Dr. Wells' Shocking Twist, [SPOILER]'s Discovery & What's Next


Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg teases what's next following Tuesday's revealing episode!

What. Just. Happened?!

Just when we thought things on The Flash were settling down just a tad, The CW’s breakout hit may have topped itself with Tuesday’s installment, featuring geek legend Mark Hamill (wasn’t that Star Wars nod – “I am your father!” – super awesome?).

WATCH: 'The Flash' Sneak Peek: Barry Allen Freaks Out Over His Time Travel Dilemma

After learning that Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) was actually Eobard Thawne, a descendant of Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), it was just the tip of the iceberg. It turns out Eobard was originally in another body, played by Eli Stone and Scandal’s Matt Letscher, so it wasn’t Dr. Wells Barry saw the night of his mother’s murder. Cue jaw drop. And he stole Dr. Wells’ body through future genetic technology. Cue second jaw drop.

But that wasn’t the only tide turn! Barry Allen’s Flash secret was revealed to yet another member of the inner circle: Eddie. (Poor Iris is still in the dark.) You can only imagine how much trouble that’s going to cause between Joe (Jesse L. Martin), Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton).

Here’s what executive producer Andrew Kreisberg had to share about what this means for The Flash’s future!

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1. Eobard Thawne stole Dr. Wells’ body

So Eobard Thawne was in a different body before stealing the body of Dr. Wells? Mind. Blown. Since the real Dr. Wells is technically dead, it brought up an interesting question about how much of him is still left after Eobard took his body. “That’s actually something we were writing the other day,” Kreisberg admits. “I think that one of the things that bled through was Wells’ love for Tess that Thawne absorbed when he absorbed his body.”

We were pleasantly surprised when it was revealed Matt Letscher, with whom Kreisberg and executive producer Greg Berlanti worked on Eli Stone, was the original Eobard. “We both said we should get Matt, who is so great at playing the villain,” Kreisberg says when they were scripting Wells’ origin story. And gird your loins. “We haven’t seen the last of him either.”

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2. Eddie discovers Barry is The Flash

Eddie holding Barry’s secret from Iris becomes a point of contention, but not with who you’d expect. “The biggest conflict that will come between them is Barry and Joe,” Kreisberg says. “Whether it’s right or wrong, [they] have decided to keep Iris in the dark about things.” Eddie’s bewilderment is just and he won’t be taking it lightly, taking Barry and Joe to task for their ill-timed decision. “[He] is like, ‘This is ridiculous – not telling her, you’re actually putting her in more danger,” he explains. “And that actually starts to become the conflict between the three men … It really starts to impact his relationship with Iris.”

In fact, Eddie confronts Barry in a future episode, asking him point-blank “‘How do you just lie to people like that?’” Kreisberg reveals. “It makes Barry look at himself and go, ‘Wait, when did I become such a great liar? I thought of myself as being so innocent.’” In the next episode, the latest Arrow-Flash crossover, Eddie, Iris, Barry, Felicity and Ray go out for dinner and things don’t go over well. “As everybody is talking about their feelings,” Barry and Iris “get into a fight,” Kreisberg hints. Yikes!


3. About Eobard and Dr. Wells’ body swap…

What was the contraption Eobard used to steal Dr. Wells’ DNA following the car crash? It’s not unlike anything anyone in Central City has seen before, at least in 2015. “It’s future tech. We’re calling it genetic camouflage” Kreisberg explains. “He basically rewrote his DNA to match Wells.”

The question of what happened to Wells’ actual body will be addressed. “What happened to Wells’ real body and what really happened that night, and all of these things are going to start coming out,” Kreisberg hints. “I know people were concerned that the events of episode 15 when they were erased in 16 [would not stick, but] not all of it went away as people are going to find out soon.”

4. The plan is to incorporate Trickster into the Rogues

“That is the plan,” Kreisberg says of future appearances from Mark Hamill. Trickster’s emergence is a continued effort for The Flash to introduce different types of villains to the show. Some have powers, some don’t and some are just plain smart. Kreisberg admits there was some fanboy interest in having Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold and Hamill’s Trickster together in a Rogue scene, if anything to see “the dichotomy” play out. Here’s hoping it happens!

Bonus treat:
After Barry’s father Henry (John Wesley Shipp) is rescued from the Trickster’s hold, he is seen wearing a tattered trench coat when he first steps foot in S.T.A.R. Labs. It's the same trench coat he wore on the original show (and he was originally supposed to wear prison grays). Talk about full circle!

The Flash
airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.