Jon Hamm Says He's Ready to Move On From 'Mad Men'

The star revealed he's excited to 'go do other things' but hopes that the show's impact with 'outlast its time of television.'

After seven intense seasons, the beloved AMC drama Mad Men has come to a close. And while many fans are desperately hoping for the show to continue in some form, it doesn’t seem like Jon Hamm shares that sentiment.

Speaking with ETonline’s Leanne Aguilera at the TV Academy's Farewell to Mad Men event just hours before the series finale, the Golden Globe winner revealed he’s happy that he’ll get a chance to work on new and different projects.

“I’m very happy,” Hamm said when asked how he felt about the outcome for his celebrated character Don Draper. “I'm also happy that I get to go do other things too. It's a very bittersweet kind of thing. A mixture of feelings.”

VIDEO: 'Mad Men' Stars on the End of an Era: 'None of Us Wanted to Go Home'

Mad Men took the world by storm during its first season in 2007 and generated a deeper and more invested following each season. With the show’s season finale airing Sunday night, fans will finally see the outcome of seven seasons of devoted investment.

But for Hamm, this is the first season finale he’s been a part of, and he admitted that he doesn’t really know what to expect.

“I know that we are all very pleased and we put a lot of work, not only into this episode but also the other 91 that came before it. It's a lot,” the 44-year-old actor shared. “It's a long journey for all of us, so we're very excited to see the end of it.”

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And while Hamm has embodied Don Draper for many years, he says that he’s already “made his peace” with the show coming to close, and with no longer stepping into the troubled character’s black polished shoes.

“It's already over for me. We finished in July,” Hamm said, “I'm just happy people are finally getting to see it. I can talk about it with other people now for the first time in almost a year.”

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As for the show’s legacy, Hamm said, “The hope is… that the impact will outlast its time on television.”

Check out the video for more from the celebrated Mad Men star on the epic series finale and the cast’s last, emotional table read.