'Saturday Night Live' Lampoons Donald Trump, 'La La Land' and Uber in Politically Charged New Episode


This week, Aziz Ansari hosted one of the best 'SNL' episodes of the season.

In the wake of Donald Trump's inauguration and the subsequent Women's March that drew millions of activists to protest in the streets of all 50 states, the political landscape has been on the forefront of everyone's mind.

While politics has often been a lucrative source of comedy for Saturday Night Live, their reliance on political lampooning typically lessened after the election cycle came to a close in years past. However, the relevance of political satire has only increased since this year's election, and SNL has responded in turn.

While Alec Baldwin didn't reprise his impression of President Trump this week, SNL managed to tackle politics and pop culture in equal measure in a way that was noticeably more on-point than in recent episodes, in part because of first-timer Aziz Ansari's masterful job as host.

Here's a look at some of SNL's best sketches of the night:

WATCH: Aziz Ansari Slams 'Casual White Supremacy,' Supports Political Protests in First Post-Inauguration 'SNL'

Vladimir Putin Cold Open

This week's cold open was a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who wanted to assure the American people that everything would be fine under Trump's presidency, as they will finally have the same access to wealth and luxury that the Russian people have, such as getting paid in fish.
Putin also poked fun at how the turn out for the Washington D.C. Women's March was significantly larger than Trump's inauguration the day before.

Kellyanne Conway's Chicago

Kate McKinnon busted out her shockingly perfect Kellyanne Conway impression for this amazing parody of "Roxie (the Name on Everyone's Lips)," from the Broadway classic Chicago. Conway takes on the role of Roxie Hart, who explains in song why she stays on as Trump's political mouthpiece. (Hint: It's because she wants to be famous.)

WATCH: 'SNL' Brutally Mocks President-Elect Donald Trump's First Press Conference and Latest Sex Scandal

La La Land

Not everything on SNL was so politically focused. In this brilliant sketch, Ansari plays a man who's been arrested for having the gall to say that La La Land wasn't a perfect movie, with two very pissed off cops try to get to the bottom of how he could possibly believe that.

Five Stars

In this Black Mirror-inspired pre-taped sketch, Ansari plays a man looking to catch an Uber ride, but only has a 3.9 rating. Meanwhile, his Eastern European Uber driver discovers he also has an unappealing 3.9 rating, and the two men quietly try to make this a great, 5-star-worthy ride, but don't really know how to make each other feel comfortable.

WATCH: Alec Baldwin Reacts to Donald Trump's Presidential Win: 'He's All Yours, America'