Peter Kraus Says He's 'Not Thinking' About Whether He'll Be the Next 'Bachelor' (But, Like, Come On)

Even though it's clearly his destiny, Kraus isn't ready to commit to the 'Bachelor' life just yet.

Peter Kraus is playing with our hopes and emotions all over again.

Rachel Lindsay's match-that-could-have-been (but ultimately wasn't) revealed after Monday night's devastating Bachelorette finale that he's just not sure whether he's ready to give love another shot as the Bachelor.

WATCH: 9 Reasons Peter Kraus is Most Likely Our Next 'Bachelor' (And We're Pretty Stoked About It)

"Consider? Sure. As of right now, am I thinking about it? No," the 31-year-old reality star told The Hollywood Reporter when asked if he'd consider being next season's leading man. "Last night was really tough. This entire process has been tough on me. I know as soon as I get back home, I’m going to jump right back into it to process all of this and not get there just yet with that potential step."

Who knows what the future holds, but we stand by our airtight list of arguments as to why Kraus should dive back into those rose ceremonies. And besides, that's a very political answer he gave, so don't be surprised if he "processes" the experience a little quicker than he's letting on. All options are still on the table is what we're saying. Still, if Kraus is to be the next Bachelor, he'd better learn to grapple with the fast nature of the show, which led to the second guessing that doomed his and Lindsay's romance on Monday.

"I don't know if I can get to that level with someone that fast, but I certainly know that I tried," Kraus explained. "In this one instance, I couldn't. I can’t really speak to my future. In this one time, it wasn’t what I was able to do at that point."

EXCLUSIVE: 'Bachelorette' Rachel Lindsay Calls Peter 'Manipulative,' Reveals Who Should Be Bachelor Instead

Well, shoot, Peter. That's understandable. So take all the time you need (but seriously, we hope to see you again very soon).

If you haven't already, make sure to check out Roses and Rose to journey with ET's Lauren Zima through Monday night's heart-wrenching final episode.

Meanwhile, one person who doesn't think Kraus should be the next Bachelor is Lindsay herself.

WATCH: 'Bachelorette' Rachel Lindsay Comes Face to Face With [SPOILER] After Their Devastating Breakup

"I felt a little bit of manipulation there," Rachel told ET on Tuesday of her relationship with Peter, adding that his die-hard fans "have no idea" what went on behind the scenes of their relationship. "The lack of commitment, you telling me that you want this future with me, but you didn't want to take the actions to have it... like, that's what triggered those emotions in me."

So, who does Rachel think the next Bachelor beau should be? Watch the video below to find out.