Olivia Jade and Her Sister Bella Defend Mom Lori Loughlin Following College Admissions Scandal

The sisters said they were furious at how their mother was portrayed in the media, among other things.

Olivia Jade Giannulli and her sister, Bella Rose Giannulli, fiercely defended their mother, Lori Loughlin, in a candid conversation centered around Loughlin's portrayal following the college admissions scandal.

Bella hopped on Olivia's podcast, Conversations With Olivia Jade, and for the first time the sisters spoke out together on how the college admissions scandal affected them as they watched how it impacted their mother.

"I think just the hardest part of this entire thing was watching how horrible the media was to both you and Mom and actually knowing you guys and knowing Mom has the biggest heart," Bella said. 

Olivia, who in the past has talked about being publicly shamed, echoed those sentiments while adding her mother became the face of a college admissions scandal involving more than 30 parents.

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"I think for me even though I also was getting dragged negatively, it didn't nearly affect me as much as Mom having all this thrown on her," she said. "And I think we can talk about this, that she really took this whole thing on her back, solely. There are a lot of people that were in this case and a lot of other parents and I do not know one other person's name."

Olivia also said it was difficult reading about her mother in the tabloids.

"It was frustrating," she said. "It caused a lot of anger within me when I would read stuff about her. And I just think it’s interesting that when I would read stuff about myself it affected me and I cared, but it didn’t nearly affect me the same way that if I read it about Mom."

Bella also detailed how the paparazzi affected her everyday life after news of the scandal broke. She said that from March to around December there were at least three cars outside of her house waiting for one of them to leave.

"Anytime I would leave the house, the second you pull out of that driveway, there’s a car literally at the a** of your car," Bella said. "Bumper to bumper. They are right behind you. God forbid you have to slam on your breaks, you’re done. You are getting in a car accident."

The scandal also affected Bella's relationship with her boyfriend. Olivia brought up the fact Bella's boyfriend broke up with her less than a week after the scandal broke, this after a year or so of dating.

"It was hard because on top of being heartbroken, I was dealing with whatever it was that was going on with our lives," Bella said. "It was so early on at that point. We found out. The world found out. Got dumped four days later. It hadn’t been a week yet."

Bella, who said the breakup was her first real heartbreak, said she blamed herself for the relationship fizzling before realizing it wasn't her doing.

"I remember I was like beating myself up about it at one point because I remember when it first all happened, I was talking to him," she explained. "So I was like, ‘Oh, did I put too much on him? Did I scare him?’ Then I looked back on it and, no. I was doing what you do when you have a boyfriend and you talk to them when you’re scared and sad and you don’t know what’s going on."

The scandal, in a way, forced Bella to push aside any sad feelings she may have had following the breakup.

"It was really hard to go through a breakup and then also have something even bigger and honestly more important on top of it because all I wanted to do was, like, cry and mourn my relationship and I couldn’t," she said.