Bishop Who Stole the Show at Royal Wedding Shares the Reaction to His Sermon Inside St. George's Chapel

Michael Curry speaks at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding on May 19, 2018.
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The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry delivered a memorable sermon during Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's fairy-tale wedding.

The Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry delivered a memorable 14-minute sermon during Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's fairy-tale wedding on Saturday at St. George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, and now he's speaking out about the incredible moment.

It was Meghan and Harry's decision to include Curry, who's the first black leader of the Episcopal Church in the United States, in the wedding. Not surprisingly, he says he was shocked at the incredible invite. 

"I didn’t believe it because a member of my staff called and said, ‘They’d like you to preach at the royal wedding,'" Curry, who's based in Chicago, Illinois, said during his appearance on Good Morning America on Tuesday. "I said, ‘Get out of here; it’s April Fool's. You’ve got to be kidding me.’"

Curry said that the couple and church officials knew the "basic outline" of his sermon before he delivered it, which was met with lots of praise around the world. Curry admitted to nerves before the event, but said what stuck with him the most was Meghan and Harry's love for one another.

"The reality is ... the love between those two people, between that loyal couple, was so powerful, not only did we all show up, but it brought all these different worlds together," Curry noted. "It brought different nationalities, different ethnicities, different religious traditions, people of all stripes and types, people of different political persuasions."

In another interview with the Today show on Tuesday, 65-year-old Curry stressed, "I was speaking to a young couple who are in love. They are so passionately in love with each other.”

Curry also told Today that he believes his sermon was well received during the nuptials.

“Episcopalians aren’t known for being loud and raucous in church, but I’ve learned to be able to hear an 'amen' by looking in their eyes,” he said. “And I was looking in the eyes of people who were there and they were doing quiet British amens.”

It appears Harry, 33, and Meghan, 36, were definitely pleased with the sermon. Curry said he got an opportunity to talk to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex afterwards.

"[It was] more just an opportunity to say hello," Curry revealed to GMA. "[They] just said things like, 'Thank you,' [and], 'It meant a lot.'"

On Monday, Meghan and Harry were spotted heading back to Kensington Palace, their first sighting after officially becoming husband and wife. Watch below: