Camila Alves Says She and Matthew McConaughey Both Don't Remember Their Wedding Date (Exclusive)

The children's book author told ET that neither she nor her husband remember the date.

Neither Camila Alves nor Matthew McConaughey can keep track of their wedding date. ET's Rachel Smith spoke with Alves in New York City on Tuesday, and the Just Try One Bite author was surprised to learn that her 10th wedding anniversary with the actor is coming up in June.

"Matt and I are not good with dates with our marriage," Alves, 40, admitted. "We go back and forth all the time."

One such conversation happened when the couple, who tied the knot in 2012, had friends over to their house a few years back.

"I had my tequila already and I was just feeling very feisty and I was going back to Matt like, 'No, you got the date wrong.' And he goes, 'No, you got the date wrong,'" Alves recalled. "We're going back and forth and my friend wanted a beer, so I'm looking for a beer and I had one of the koozies. I opened the drawer to grab a koozie and right there -- I started cracking up so bad -- it was a koozie from our wedding, and both Matthew and I were wrong."

Now that her wedding date has been confirmed, Alves quipped to ET, "OK, I need to write it down. Somebody write it down. I need a reminder for this."

While the pair has been married nearly a decade, things weren't initially smooth sailing when they met in a club 16 years ago.

"I had just six months, maybe seven months before, [broken up] with somebody in the industry, an actor actually. I was just terrified of anybody in the industry," Alves said. "So when he actually invited me to have margaritas, I was like, 'No thank you. Nope, nope, I'm good. I'm going to sit right here.' I'm turning my back to the table, but he got up, came over and talked."

That conversation led to a happy life together with their three kids: Levi, 13, Vida, 12, and Livingston, 9. It was her own little ones that inspired Alves to pen her first children's book, Just Try One Bite, with her co-author, Adam Mansbach.

"I'm not here to tell parents what to feed their kids, but but I am here to give a good reminder to have the conversation of the food... 'cause when you start having that conversation early onn most likely you're gonna be setting up your kids for lifelong of healthy eating habits," Alves explained. "I've seen it in my household. It's not perfect... You can still have your doughnut holes and your ice cream, just not every day."

That's what Alves does with her own family, telling ET, "We really try to do good majority of the time and then for the rest we just have fun." 

They also have fun when preparing meals together, specifically Sunday dinner.

"We all get involved in the kitchen. I think it's super important to start your kids cooking [and get them] involved in the kitchen very early. They have to set the table, they have to chop things up and help cook, they are in charge of the cleaning," Alves said. "... We spend the majority of our time in the day in the kitchen, everybody together, everybody talking and playing."

When it comes to how she and McConaughey split the kitchen duties, Alves said, "I'm more in charge of making a whole meal, Matthew is the grill master."

"I will not touch the grill. That's his thing," she said. "He makes the meats and I will do more of the fish stuff. We collaborate a lot on salads."

In addition to working together on meals, Alves enlisted her family's help with her book.

"I got [McConaughey] to help with the editing and jump in there. He’s really good with words," she said. "The whole family got involved. The kids actually did the audiobook, my kids... and Adam's daughter as well, because the book, it's really the voice of the kids, so it's really sweet and it's kind of turning into, like, a love affair in the house."

Getting her family involved with the book was one way Alves was able to commit to the project.

"Matthew's super busy with work, so we have to pick and choose what we do, how we do it," Alves said, adding that it makes "a world of difference" to involve the kids in her projects.

"The kids have been editing the videos, they did the audio of the book, they’ve been part of the book since the beginning," she explained. "The more you involve them on what it is that you're doing, then they’re part of it. They don’t feel disconnected."

Just Try One Bite is out now. Tune in to Tuesday's episode of Entertainment Tonight for more of ET's interview with Alves.