Coco Austin Talks Being a Momager for Her and Ice-T's 'Actress' Daughter Chanel (Exclusive)

Coco and Chanel were on hand Thursday at Ice-T's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony.

Ice-T and Coco Austin's daughter, Chanel, is getting into the family business, and she's so excited she could scream!

Coco and her 7-year-old daughter were on hand Thursday to watch Ice-T receive his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and it was at the ceremony where Coco and Chanel spoke to ET's Ash Crossan about their ambitions as a formidable mother-daughter team.

For starters, Coco admits she's momentarily put her career on hold to manage Chanel, who recently signed with youth talent agency, Zuri. And so far, Coco says playing the role of momager has been a blast.

"I like it, more than managing myself. Actually, I put my stuff aside for so long, because I love doing her more than me," Coco tells ET. "You know, I kinda stepped up a little bit and started doing more social media, but I like having more fun with her."

Coco says that, despite having connections in Hollywood, she wanted Chanel to land at an agency the old school way.

"Everyone's like, 'Oh, you know someone in Hollywood. You know a friend. You should ...' That's the easy route," she said. "I really wanted to go by the book. I wanted her to audition. So, I don't know if you know this, or people out there, that you have to audition to [sign with an] agency. So, they have to be accepted. So, she auditioned for a prestigious agency, called Zuri, and she got in and, yeah, we just started. We've been auditioning for Sesame Street and all that good stuff! So, you never know what might come through."


If Chanel had her druthers, she'd soon land roles in horror movies like some of her favorites, like Scream and Stephen King's It

"She watches those slasher movies," Coco said. "She knows it's fake."

Ditto for Chanel's screaming skills.

"She's got a really crazy scream," Coco quipped. "She does this fake scream inside the car when Ice is driving all the time and it blows his eardrums out. He's like, 'Oh, you're gonna do something with that scream one day girl."

During the ceremony, Ice-T got a kick out of Chanel joining him onstage when her name was mentioned. But if she goes into the family business, Papa's got some fatherly advice.

"I mean, you gotta back showbiz with something else," he says. "She also wants to be a doctor, I'mma tell her to be a plastic surgeon, that ain't going out of business. You gotta back this, 'cause this is a dream, and when you base something on a dream -- 'cause it's also called the boulevard of broken dreams. ... So I want to make sure that if that happens, cool, but have something to fall back on, obviously."