Hilaria and Alec Baldwin Reveal Sex of Baby No. 7

The happy couple shared the news in a video posted to Instagram on Monday.

Hilaria and Alec Baldwin are preparing to welcome a baby girl! The happy couple, and their six children, took to Instagram on Monday to reveal the sex of baby No. 7 and share some words of wisdom for their bundle of joy.

"It’s always been both fun and meaningful for me to find out what is the sex of my baby, yet, as I grow and learn, I want to do it a bit differently this time around. What will make our baby a loving, whole person? What matters? What will make them feel seen, free, and proud? Perhaps nothing that we can define," Hilaria wrote, alongside the clip. "We can only guide, encourage their spirit, listen, share our experiences, and learn from them, as we watch their own journey. We can provide as good a life as we can, but the rest is up to our baby to discover their own, unique self."

She continued, "I share with you our family’s hopes and wishes, encouragement and advice for our new baby. I feel so much joy, watching these children, who are filled with love and the most simple, kind wisdom. Hearing them share their words is one of my greatest gifts in life. Join us in honoring this whole little independent human, growing inside of me❤️."

While their children had plenty of encouraging words for their future sibling, Mom and Dad also had some advice of their own to pass down to their baby daughter on the way.

"One characteristic doesn't define you," Alec tells the camera before Hilaria, who echoes her husband's message, encourages the little one to explore her identity without limits.

"Feel free to immerse in and express all parts of your identity without being shamed, limited or bullied," Hilaria said. "You don't have to prove yourself to anyone."

Adding, "I can't wait to meet you, my daughter."

Baby number seven will join siblings Carmen, 8, Leonardo, 5, Rafael, 6, Romeo, 3, and Eduardo and Lucia, both 1. Alec is also father to 26-year-old Ireland, whom he shares with ex-wife Kim Basinger.  

In March, the soon-to-be father of eight and his wife explained why they continue to have children and expand their family.

"We have 'somos un buen equipo' engraved on our wedding bands. We say that to each other all the time at home — that we're a good team," Alec and Hilaria told ET in a statement. "One of the most beautiful things my children have experienced with a big family is how the heart can grow with every new sibling. Our capacity to love continues to expand and we can't wait to embrace our new little one this fall!" she added. 

A source told ET that same month that Alec and Hilaria are “overwhelmingly excited” about their new addition. "The kids love being part of a big family and can't wait to meet their new sibling," the source said. "They feel like they're a big team." 

The source added that "Hilaria and Alec are doing great and absolutely love being parents. The family has an incredible bond. Everyone is overjoyed."