John Legend Talks Fertility Struggles With Wife Chrissy Teigen, Reacts to Her Opening About Drinking Less

"I think it’s especially difficult when you can’t conceive naturally."

John Legend says the issues he and wife Chrissy Teigen faced while trying to get pregnant with their first child only made their relationship stronger. 

"Having a baby is a big challenge for a couple," the 38-year-old R&B artist tells Cosmopolitan magazine. "Going through that together strengthens your bond because if you make it through [having a child], you know you can make it through anything."

Legend admits, "I think it’s especially difficult when you can’t conceive naturally. You want to feel like everything’s working properly and want everything to be perfect, but sometimes it’s not. I wouldn’t say we can’t conceive naturally, but I would say that it’s enough of a challenge where it felt like we needed help."

The "All of Me" singer and his wife have been open about using IVF when trying to conceive, and were even criticized after Teigen revealed that they were able to choose whether they wanted to have a boy or a girl. The 31-year-old supermodel gave birth to daughter Luna on April 14, 2016. 

Legend also shares that he and Teigen are hoping to have more children through IVF. "We’re lucky that we’re living in an age where we can conceive in other ways," he notes. "[IVF] brought us Luna and hopefully it will bring us a few more awesome kids too."

The two seem to have figured out the secret to a happy marriage but Legend confesses that they're not "perfect." He also reacts to Teigen admitting in a recent interview that she's struggled in the past with excessive drinking. 

"When she was thinking about how she wanted to drink less, we talked about it," he recalls. "I just want to support her. I want her to be happy and to live the fullest, most awesome life she can, and I want us to do it together. Whenever she sets her mind to anything, I always tell her, 'I want to support you and help you do it.'"

Legend adds, "I don’t want to present myself as the 'perfect spouse' and I don’t want to present our relationship as the 'perfect relationship' because I don’t think anybody meets that definition. I think it’s too much pressure to put on anyone."

ET has spoken to both Legend and Teigen about expanding their brood. "Oh my God, a little boy is next for sure," Teigen told ET in January. 

Legend also agreed that the couple wants to give Luna a little brother and/or sister. "We want to have more. I don't know the timing," he confided. "But we definitely wanna have at least a couple more."

Check out more of our interview with the pair: