Joy Behar Says She 'Almost Died' After Having an Ectopic Pregnancy

Joy Behar
Lorenzo Bevilaqua/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images

The TV personality had the scary experience in 1979.

Joy Behar is opening up about a near-death experience. On Wednesday's episode of The View, during a discussion about abortion rights ahead of the upcoming midterm elections, Behar revealed she had an ectopic pregnancy more than four decades ago. 

"In 1979, I had an ectopic pregnancy... I almost died," Behar, 79, said, before explaining what an ectopic pregnancy is.

"The [embryo] is growing in the fallopian tube. There is nowhere to go from that. You can't give birth from your fallopian tube," she said. "The [embryo] will not grow. It grows, but not to full term. It’ll grow just enough to make the tube burst, which what happens then is that you bleed internally, and then you die."

As for her experience, Behar recalled, "They rushed me to the hospital. The doctor the next day said, 'We almost lost you.' I was in the situation where I could go to Beth Israel Hospital, and they took care of it there."

With that in mind, Behar spoke out against Herschel Walker, who's running for Senate in Georgia, for supporting "abortion bans without any exceptions for rape, incest or the health of the mother."

"What are these people thinking about when they talk about the health of the mother?" Behar questioned. "Herschel Walker, people like that, they cannot be in positions of power."

Behar's story of her ectopic pregnancy came the same day that Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who co-hosted The View from 2003 to 2013, served as a guest host on the talk show. Amid the abortion debate, Hasselbeck, a Republican, spoke out in favor of adoption rather than abortion. 

When Whoopi Goldberg disagreed with her take, Hasselbeck held up a kitchen tile that said, "I'd agree with you, but then we would both be wrong."

Watch the video below for more on The View