Justin Bieber Reveals He Wishes He 'Saved' Himself for Wife Hailey

Justin Bieber and wife Hailey at Seasons premiere
LISA O'CONNOR/AFP via Getty Images

The couple also shared their favorite and least favorite thing about marriage.

Justin Bieber is getting candid about his previous relationships and sex life.

The "Yummy" singer and his wife, Hailey Bieber, answered fan questions during the latest episode of their Facebook Watch series, The Biebers on Watch. During the lengthy Q&A, Justin revealed that he wished he would have saved himself for marriage.

"There are probably a lot of things I would change. I don’t regret anything because I think it makes you who you are, and you learn from things," Justin replied when asked what he regrets. "If I could go back and not have to face some of the bad hurt that I went through, I probably would’ve saved myself for marriage."

"I know this sounds crazy," he continued. "Sex can be kind of confusing when you’re being sexually active with anybody...I would have probably saved myself for marriage."

Hailey, meanwhile, replied that she didn't know if she'd say the same thing, "but we had different experiences with everything...I do agree with the fact that, I think, being physical with someone can make things more confusing."

During the Q&A, one fan asked about their plans to expand their family. "No kids yet, they're coming, but no kids," the two said. They did reveal that they have names picked out, but didn't want to share them.

When asked what their favorite and least favorite thing about being married is, Justin replied, "We get to wake up next to each other no matter how crappy the day before was."

As for his least favorite, "You steal the weighted blanket at night," he said with a laugh.

Hailey, on her end, replied that she loves "being able to hang with your best friend all the time. One thing I don't like about being married, you're a little bit messy sometimes. A little bit."

For more on the Biebers, watch below.