Kathy Griffin Reveals That Her Mother Has Dementia: It's Been 'Devastating'

Kathy Griffin, Maggie Griffin
Jerod Harris/Getty Images for IAVA

The veteran comedian broke the difficult news in a lengthy statement to her followers.

Kathy Griffin shared on Thursday that her 98-year-old mother, Maggie Griffin, is suffering from dementia.

The 58-year-old comedian broke the news in a lengthy Twitter post to her devoted fanbase.

“As heartbreaking as this is, I feel the need to share some important info about my mom Maggie,” she captioned a photo of the pair together. “I’ve always been honest with you all, but this one is really hard. The pic below, taken in September, was the last time I was able to have a proper/coherent conversation with her. Since that photo was taken, she has rapidly fallen into the throes of dementia. This is never easy for any child, I know this is a reality that millions of people deal with every year. But when it comes to my mom this is particularly hard because her sharp mind was everything.”

Griffin went on to explain the painful toll of watching her mother, who was always witty and sharp, succumb to the disorder.

“My mom is 98 and up until this past couple years she was so sharp she always kept me on my toes,” she continued. “Her mind was so naturally quick, funny, and smart. No one could get anything past her. Watching that slip away so fast has been devastating. I want to assure you all that she is not in pain and she is getting the best 24-hour care. In terms of how she is now, at this point she only knows my name and I love you. I know many of you know what that reality is like...I'm still grappling with it.”

The veteran entertainer also posted several videos of her mother, including an especially touching clip of Maggie and her with her mom's tiny puppy, Twinkle.

“A big reason I'm sharing this news with you is that so many of you have asked why I haven't posted a video of Maggie & her beloved dog Twinkle in the past few months. Now you understand why we haven't been able to share anything, here is a moment between them from this summer,” she captioned the intimate moment.

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