Kelly Ripa Gets Botox Amid Coronavirus Concerns: 'There's Been a Lot of Worrying'

The talk show host filmed herself and her doctor discussing her botox injections.

While the world is rushing to buy sanitizer and toilet paper, Kelly Ripa is fitting in a botox injection or two. The 49-year-old talk show host had some lighthearted fun on Thursday when she met up with Dr. Robert Anolik to get some botox injections amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak. 

"There's a very serious medical problem going around right now. What is it?" Ripa asks. 

"It's botox deficiency," Dr. Anolik quips. 

"Acute botox deficiency," Ripa corrects him. 

Ripa notes that the doctor is keeping his distance from her, saying, "He's afraid I'm going to touch him. You know, I appreciate how germ nervous you are, because we all are."

Kelly Ripa/Instagram Story

She adds, "These are great CDC rules and I appreciate them. Having said that, in this time, we can notice that there's been a lot of worrying. You can see it's written all over my face, but Dr. Anolik decided to be brave today and come into work to treat my acute botox deficiency syndrome." 

After the injections, she jokes, "Is there any botox left for everyone else?"

"We used it all up. Hopefully, there won't be a shortage," he jokes. 

Ripa later shared videos of herself exercising at home, joking, "Putting my botox to good use... Right now, let's face it, people are a little afraid to work out around other people. And guess what, my arms are not gonna tighten themselves!"

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, many events, filming on shows, and live studio audiences have been canceled or postponed. Watch the clip below for more: