Chris Pratt Demonstrates the 3 Faces He Makes in 'Jurassic World'

Universal Pictures

This is how the action star expresses fear, love and pure joy.

Chris Pratt apparently only has three emotions in Jurassic World.

During a visit to Conan on Thursday, the action star revealed that those watching the highly anticipated sequel may notice that he only displays three expressions. Pratt says he only has faces for "fear, love and pure joy."

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"The face that you give, you really just should do nothing," the 35-year-old actor explained. "That's the key, because if they cut to like a birthday cake, the audience should think, 'I think he's hungry for a birthday cake.'"

WATCH: Chris Pratt Revisits the Moment in 2010 When He Predicted He'd Star in Jurassic World

"Instead, they cut to a 60-foot dinosaur chasing me and they're like, 'I betcha he's scared right now,'" he added. "The worst thing you can do is overact."

Pratt has pulled out all the gimmicks during the Jurassic World tour. In addition to playing the piano and singing "Margaritaville," here he is attempting to run in heels across the Late Late Show set: