Romneys' Sons on Ann's 'Modern Family' Offer

Romneys' Sons on Ann's 'Modern Family' Offer

Ann Romney was recently invited to appear on her favorite television show, Modern Family, but would the conservative wife of the Republican nominee for president ever take the show up on their offer? Her five sons weigh in.

Interestingly enough, the Romney men would be delighted to see their mom on the small screen, but doubt that it will happen any time in the near future, as she remains focused on the campaign trail with the presidential election a few months away.

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"She's got a great sense of humor," said middle son Josh Romney. "I'm sure she'd love to do anything, but we'll keep it probably pretty serious between the next couple months. She has a lot of work to do, so I don't think she'll have time to go do sitcoms."

Earlier this week, Steve Levitan, co-creator of the hit ABC comedy took to Twitter to seemingly mock the presidential candidate's wife by inviting her to appear on Modern Family to officiate a wedding between the show's two gay characters.

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"Thrilled Ann Romney says ModFam is her favorite show," he wrote. "We'll offer her the role of officiant at Mitch & Cam's wedding. As soon as it's legal."

Jesse Tyler Ferguson also weighed in on the Romneys' enthusiasm for the show, tweeting on Wednesday, "I have to say, I'm actually thrilled Mitt & Ann Romney love 'Modern Family.' I hope it sparks something in them!"

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The sons of the current Republican nominee for U.S. President also talked about their visible display of emotion at the Republican National Convention during their mother's speech, which they described as heartfelt.

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"She really spoke from the heart," praised Matt, the Romneys' second son. "She said a lot of things that had a lot of meaning to us personally, and I think people who watched...really could see her passion and her love for my dad [and] her love for this country...At times it was a...very emotional thing to watch."

The Republican National Convention will conclude this week to be followed by the Democratic National Convention next week for current U.S. President and Democratic nominee Barack Obama.