EXCLUSIVE: Kermit the Frog Tells All in First Interview Since Splitting From Miss Piggy!

"It's not all bad," Kermit the Frog reveals to ET.

Green with envy? Not Kermit the Frog!

In fact, he's not green with envy, jealousy, sadness… really anything after breaking up with his longtime love, Miss Piggy. The only thing that's green is Kermit himself, as ET learned when he sat down with us for his very first interview since the split.

Despite the sad news, Kermit seems to be doing A-OK, telling ET that it's not all bad and insisting that he's totally fine! "We're both working professionals," he says. "For years, we've had a professional relationship. I've been professional. She wanted a relationship. That's a bad joke, actually."

NEWS: Kermit and Miss Piggy are Splitting Up

You said it, Kermit, not us.

Just like every other piece of breakup news this week (stop making us so sad, Hollywood ex-lovebirds!), it seems this was just another case of a relationship that ran its course.

"It's an interesting thing that happens sometimes -- you're with someone for years, and you suddenly discover that you have gone in two different directions," he explains. "And when you're a frog and a pig, those directions can be extreme."

It's amazing these two ever got together with that kind of Romeo and Juliet species division, isn't it? But Muppets are just like us: Love conquers all! Until it doesn't. Like right now.

Sad face.

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Anyway, this Muppet didn't stay blue for long. The fetching frog moved fast -- he's already in a new relationship with a pig named Denise! "I'm very happy about that," he says about his new girlfriend, the head of marketing at ABC.

Well done, Kermie! But just what is it about pigs that you love so much?

"It's the curly tail," he admits. "It's fascinating. I don't know why it makes a difference to frogs, but it's pretty cool."

Pigs really are cute, no?

Miss Piggy and Kermit did have an odd relationship, so the breakup (and his new relationship!) isn't the biggest surprise, but it sure makes us sad anyway! But we bet Denise is a nice pig… who Miss Piggy has probably already stalked on Facebook and devised a plan of revenge on.

Time will only tell if the Kermit and Miss Piggy will truly stay amicable in their new "working" relationship now that they've officially split, but we're sure we'll watch it all unfold whenThe Muppets premieres Sept. 22 on ABC. Hopefully, Kermit will even appear on Miss Piggy's late night show-within-the-show, Up Late. Can you imagine how delicious those interviews will be?

Kermit did tell us that he's a little nervous about the new series, as the behind-the-scenes look at the Muppets' real lives might reveal a bit more than he's used to sharing -- even for a frog as beloved and in the public eye as he is. "Who doesn't know about the Kardashians? Their lives are exposed all over television, which is kind of what's going to happen to me," Kermit says. "That's a little scary."

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So will we get to see the Kardashians on The Muppets? Maybe! Some very famous faces will be making cameos, though Kermit is playing coy about who those stars are. "I'm not supposed to say their names yet, but we're going to have celebrity guests on every show," he says. "Some will be guests on Piggy's show, and I'm sure some of my friends from showbiz will stop by too, just for fun."

Kermit even revealed that everything in his celeb pals' personal lives "will be up for grabs" because he doesn't "tell them what they’re signing."

Sounds like a pretty good plan to us!

Thanks for the interview, Kermit! Now don't mind us, we'll just be over here weeping into Fozzie Bear's furry shoulders, because we're still very sad about your breakup.

But maybe we should have seen the breakup coming -- watch Kermit clear up his real marriage status and thoughts on that wonderful wedding scene from Muppets Take Manhattan in a flashback interview with ET, below.

Original reporting by Leanne