Taylor Swift Cries During Closing Arguments in Alleged Groping Trial as Her Lawyer Implores 'No Means No'

A jury is deliberating as to whether Swift's mother and manager got David Mueller after the singer alleged that he grabbed her rear.

Taylor Swift was visibly emotional in courtroom on Monday morning.

The closing arguments were delivered in the lawsuit filed by former DJ David Mueller, who is alleging that he was fired after Swift's mother, Andrea, and manager claimed that he groped the 27-year-old singer during a photo op that was part of a meet-and-greet in Denver, Colorado, in 2013. Mueller has long denied that he groped the GRAMMY winner. Swift -- who had her hair up in a bun and wore muted lipstick -- showed up to court sporting a black, turtleneck mini-dress with three-quarter-length sleeves that she paired with black suede chunky boots.

WATCH: Taylor Swift Fans Can't Stop Praising the Singer for Her Pointed and Feisty Testimony in Alleged Groping Trial

During closing arguments form Mueller's lawyer, Gabriel McFarland, Swift rolled her eyes when he said that Mueller was attempting to clear his name by filing the $3 million lawsuit. When referencing the photo that Swift claims was taken at the time of the alleged groping, McFarland argued that "her skirt is not disturbed." Upon hearing this, Swift mouthed, "Yes it is."

Swift's mother was also clearly emotional upon hearing the plaintiff's attorney speak repeatedly about whether her daughter's skirt had been lifted at the time the photo was taken, and appeared to be wiping away tears. It was at this point that Swift herself turned away from McFarland and the jury and started to blow her nose and wipe her eyes.

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When it was time for Swift's attorney, Doug Baldridge, to give his closing arguments, he began by quoting the pop star's testimony from last week. “August 10, 2017 at approximately 10:00 a.m., you heard these words out of the mouth of Taylor Swift: 'I am not going to allow you, Mr. McFarland, and your client to make me feel like this is any way my fault because it isn’t,'" Baldridge recited. "'I am not going to allow you and your client to make me feel like this is my fault, because it isn’t.'"

Swift's attorney went on to tell the jury that by not siding with Mueller, they were telling "every woman that no means no."

"Will aggressors like David Mueller be allowed to victimize their victims? Will they be allowed to shame them? Humiliate them? Assault them?” Baldridge said, further noting that Swift, her mother and her manager said "no" and refused to accept Mueller's alleged behavior. "I have every single faith that you will say 'no' as well. You say 'no' by returning a verdict and rejecting Mueller’s claims.”

Swift watched her lawyer calmly and attentively during his remarks, while her mother appeared to keep her eyes on the jury.

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When it was the plaintiff's turn to rebut Baldridge's closing argument, McFarland asked the jury to take another look at the photo. "Look at where Ms. Swift’s arm is, look at her arm. It’s behind Mr. Mueller. In what world do you lurch away, do you try to get away from someone that’s under your skirt who’s got a handful of your behind?” he implored. "In what world do you leave your hand behind that person as you move away? It’s against human nature. If she wanted to get away from Mr. Mueller, she would have removed her hand and moved away.”

Baldridge bit back, "Are we looking at the same photo?"

Swift's lawyer concluded, "It’s time to stop the victimization of victims in this country and in this courtroom.”

WATCH: Taylor Swift's Mom Tearfully Testifies at Alleged Groping Trial -- 'I Wanted to Vomit and Cry at the Same Time'

After closing arguments, the judge released the jury to begin deliberations.

In the meantime, here's a look at the testimony Swift gave on Thursday, describing the alleged incident:

Reporting by Tracie De La Rosa and Sophie Schillaci.