Voters Flock To Susan B. Anthony's Grave To Pay Their Respects On Election Day

Tamala Edwards/Twitter

Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York, has extended its visiting hours to accommodate all of Anthony's visitors.

On a day when some Americans cast their vote for the country's first female president, many are paying tribute to the woman who made it possible.

Since early voting began, crowds have gathered at Susan B. Anthony's grave at Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York, to pay their respects to the woman who led the cause of women's suffrage during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

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During the past week, crowds have become so large that Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren had to extend the cemetery's visiting hours to accommodate Anthony's visitors.

While numbers have increased in light of Tuesday's election, this isn't the first time voters have paid tribute to Anthony.

"In past years, many Election Day visitors to Ms. Anthony's gravesite have left behind their 'I Voted Today' stickers," read a post on Mount Hope Cemetery's Facebook page. "Provisions will be made to allow this practice to continue with commemorative boards in place. Additionally, those visitors who leave their sticker behind will be given a special commemorative sticker in its place (while supplies last)."

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Though not everyone can make it to Anthony's grave, Hollywood celebs are celebrating Election Day by casting their ballots and sharing photos with their "I Voted" stickers.

See more in the video below.