'This Is Us' Fast-Forwards to Rebecca's Final Days

As the series prepares for its curtain call, Tuesday's episode catches everyone up as the family gathers together to say goodbye.

Spoiler alert! Do not proceed if you have not watched Tuesday's episode of This Is Us

With This Is Us quickly approaching the end, the latest episode began one week after Miguel's heartbreaking death and forced the Big Three to face some difficult facts about their mother.

Titled "Family Meeting," it was time for Kate, Kevin and Randall to sit down and have a tough conversation about the best plan of action in care for Rebecca, who was already a shell of herself amid her Alzheimer's battle, in the aftermath of losing Miguel. While each of the three Pearson siblings had their own ideas of what would be best -- from Rebecca moving into Randall and Beth's home to the trio flying in to visit their mom when their schedules allowed -- they separately, but unified in their goal of making sure she was taken care of, came to a decision by the end that ultimately had their mother's comfort in mind.

Kevin and Sophie proposed that they move back into the home he built for Rebecca once The Man-ny's series finale finished taping, and Madison and her family -- including their twins -- would also relocate back to the East Coast, something she and her husband had already been thinking of doing to be closer to their side of the family. Of course, getting to that solution wasn't easy. But the important thing is that they all got there. "We have an opportunity here to give Mom exactly what she wanted, for her and for us," Kevin tells his brother and sister. 

As the episode wore on, time passed as everyone's blended families came through over the next weeks, months and years as Rebecca continued to deteriorate mentally and, later on, physically. 

Ron Batzdorff/NBC

In the final minutes, as This Is Us gears up for its final two episodes, the show fast-forwarded to the very near future, catching everyone up to the moment set forth a few seasons ago. Older Kevin calls Randall, who has salt-and-pepper in his beard as he sits at his office, after tucking Rebecca into bed -- a routine Kevin's probably done a million times over now. 

"They're saying it won't be long now," Kevin breaks the news to Randall over the phone, advising that he and his family get to the house as soon as they're able -- implying that Rebecca may not be long for this world.

"OK," Randall simply says.

"OK," Kevin ends the call before he longingly looks over at a sleeping Rebecca.

The final moments of the episode catch everyone up to the timeline This Is Us hinted at seasons ago, with the remaining family members arriving at the home to say their final goodbyes. With only two episodes left in the series, and production officially wrapped (as the cast celebrated over the weekend at the wrap party), it's bound to be an emotional ride as the Pearsons (and the audience) prepare to send Rebecca off to the pearly gates. 

This Is Us airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on NBC.

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