'Once Upon A Time' Spring Premiere: We Answer 22 of Your Most Burning Questions!

'Once Upon A Time' Spring Premiere: We Answer 22 of Your Most Burning Questions!

We're keeping this intro short and sweet because we've got spoilers to spill!

ABC's most magical drama, Once Upon a Time, returns this Sunday with its highly anticipated Spring premiere. Even though we at ETonline have already spilled six things you need to know before returning to Storybrooke, we also wanted to answer your Twitter questions about all the wicked twists and romantic turns that are headed your way in the next two episodes.

Read on for spell-binding scoop from co-creators Eddy Kitsis and Adam Horowitz as we answer 22 of your most burning Once Upon a Time questions!

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1. @MariaPazMS: What's the dynamic like between the Queens of Darkness? Do they clash much?
Take a look at our sneak peek video above to see for yourself! ETonline has snagged our fellow OUAT fans a clip from the Queens of Darkness' first meeting and their wicked banter is even more amazing then you could have ever hoped. "We just loved the idea of a team of evil and when we were saying our wish list of who we wanted to write, it was kind of these three," Kitsis spilled of the evil trifecta.

2. @celianomas: How did Regina/Gold contacted people in other city to adopt Henry in past seasons and now it seems this is not possible?
Never doubt the power of the internet, my friends -- or as Hook calls it, "that magical box" in Belle's library.

3. @AshAshmarie20: Any hope that can be given for Rumbellers or why they should continue watching given the recent spoilers?
According to Kitsis, there's definitely hope for Rumple and Belle to rekindle their flame. "He is going to do his Rumple-ist to get Belle back. So you are going to see full-Rumple." To follow up on that, Horowitz confessed that at the end of episode 14, Rumple will start on a "new quest that he's really energized about." Our money is on a love quest with a side of revenge.

WATCH: Sneak Peek: The Queens of Darkness Meet For the First Time!


4. @niyati_92: Do Emma and Killian have a convo about everything that occurred in 4A? Or do they have any heart-to-heart convo?
They actually have both! Their biggest and most swoon-worthy conversation happens in the sheriffs' office in episode 14. Kitsis teased that Emma is "beginning to open her heart up," and it most certainly shows. And, as we've said before, Emma and Hook have coffee in Sunday's premiere. Note: By coffee, we mean the dark-colored liquid that many drink to stay awake. As for the nookie-nickname that the Captain Swan fandom has created? All we can say is stay tuned…

5. @Lady_Junky: Are we gonna see [Maleficent's] dragon form again?

Yes, in episode 14 in all its fiery glory!

6. @shawngf7: Any information on how Regina and Henry will grow and develop through Project Mongoose is appreciated. Thanks!
Over the past six weeks, Operation Mongoose has been in full swing with Regina's office as their central hub. Regina and Henry's scenes are as sweet as chocolate-frosted donuts (you'll understand in episode 14) and Horowitz also revealed that Henry is going to be a key component in Emma and Regina's blooming friendship. "There's a new common ground between [Emma and Regina] that I think will help build on that friendship," he said. "In addition to Henry they have something that they can share and deal with."

7. @skyliange: What is the 'connection' that the Charmings have with the QoD?

Let's just say that long ago in the Enchanted Forest -- before the big curse hit the land -- these heroes and villains had the same goal: protect the lives of those they love most.

WATCH: Storybrooke Is Doomed But Regina Is Determined!


8. @CapitainSwan__: I heard that Hook and Belle became good friends. Can you tell us anything more about their friendship?
We can tell you that we adore this friendship more than a basket full of newborn kittens. Seeing Hook comfort Belle in a moment of sadness -- and vice-versa -- will warm your Hookelle-loving heart. Plus, the fact that they are combining their brilliant minds to solve a puzzling case, makes us wish they had their own spin-off procedural called CSI: Storybrooke.

9. @asinoski: Will we find out that someone is pregnant? *coughReginacough*
We're going to plead the fifth on this one.

10. @Chloe_Queen: Please any on Emma/Snow relationship? We really didn't have much in 4A. I miss seeing Emma/Snow scenes!
Well then you might not want to hold your breath for some Storybrooke "Mommy and Me" scenes in the next two episodes. We will have more Charming Family scenes than we've had in the past, but that doesn't mean that these scenes will be truth-filled ones. (Sorry, y'all...)

11. @theMagicalTweet: Does Rumple seem to genuinely miss Belle?

Oh yes. We've never seen a more devastating look of despair as when Rumple first lays his eyes on Belle after all their time a part. But to see that sadness instantly transform into unfiltered rage is absolutely terrifying.

NEWS: 'Once Upon a Time' Scoop: Get to Know the Queens of Darkness!


12. @txangelwolf: Do our heroes meet the QOD in the first episode?

Well, technically most of our heroes first met the Queens of Darkness long ago. But to expand on your question, yes -- two-thirds of our evil trifecta will enter Storybrooke in Sunday's premiere.

13. @good_plain_jane: Do we get to see any of Hook's insecurities that Adam & Eddy were talking about? Or any clue which QOD he knows?
We're definitely getting a deeper peek at the internal struggles that Hook is battling with. "We are going to realize that he has got some things going on in his head that he is concerned about," Kitsis shared. As for which Queen of Darkness Hook shares a past with? We can't tell you who it is, but we can tell you that Emma's wave of jealousy/curiosity after seeing [Spoiler] and Hook's first encounter back together is definitely worth-watching.

14. @AndryPresh: Will Regina finally get rid of the "evil" monicker now that she's redeemed herself for over two seasons or will it follow her around?
We're so glad you asked this! One of the most hilarious lines in episode 13 is when someone in present-day Storybrooke – we're not naming names here – calls Regina the Evil Queen in a time of peril. To which Regina snaps in an exasperated tone, "Can we drop the "E" world already?!" Whatever you say, your majesty...

15. @repeatlitanies: Anything new about Belle would be great! I'm hungering for more!
Not only is our book-lover still keeping the Storybrooke library in tip-top shape, she also is making a point to keep Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop up and running. She even invites a wonderful new friend to be her guest at the shop in episode 14.

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16. @Msqueenemmy: Anything OutlawQueen?

The only OutlawQueen scene is when Emma finds a very special momento of Regina's could've been/should've been love life with Robin. We don’t have much else to report other than the fact that Regina is still very much in love with her OTL. Luckily when we asked Kitsis about Regina's FFTBFF (Former Foe Turned Best Friend Forever, natch) Emma, the show-runner spilled that our savior is "absolutely" determined to find Regina's happy ending.

17. @PhoenixHeart815: Will we find out how Ursula & Cruella were able to live outside of Storybrooke (Real World) without aging during the 28-year curse?
According to the creators we most definitely will, but we can confirm that it will not happen in the next two episodes. "There’s an upcoming episode where all the piece on the chessboard are laid up and we find out who wound up where and why," Horowitz said. "That will also speak to the earlier question of why these three and how they connected and what they’re all after together."

18. @ouat_csfan_: Can we get a quote between Hook and someone?

"Love is a weapon." -- Hook to Belle.

19. @mysunshine0808: Scoop on the Snowing secret? A hint? A breadcrumb?

Oh, we can definitely give you more than a measly bread-crumb: The Snowing secret is a two-parter. The first part -- if revealed -- will greatly affect their family dynamic. The second will drastically change the way you've always looked at this beloved couple.


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20. @EmBeeKay: Are they ever going to eat at another restaurant besides Granny's Diner?

Funny you should ask because Regina begs that same question in Sunday's premiere. Not everyone shares Emma's endless grilled-cheese loving appetite.

21. @Lizzyc807: The preview shows Cruella breathing on the dogs - does her breath just calm animals into submission?
Ding ding ding! You've guessed Cruella's secret power, so here is your scoop-filled prize. "We thought she should have a power so that she feels a part of the show," Kitsis explained. "We love the idea that she can speak to animals, not like Doctor Doolittle, but in a more cruel way. Her backstory is coming up toward the middle of the second half and that’s probably our favorite one"

22. @Melaniee_27: On a scale of 1 to captain swan heaven how perfectly cute is captain swan in 4x12 and 4x13?

Okay, let us put it this way. Take a look at this puppy…

You know those feelings you're feeling right now? High pitched squeals of delight, wanting to scream "Suh kewt!" and the overpowering instincts to smother it with love and affection? That’s CaptainSwan in the first episode back.

Once Upon a Time airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

Which answer made you most excited to tune into Once Upon a Time's spring premiere? Shout out your thoughts to @LeanneAguilera on Twitter!