'Pretty Little Liars': 14 Mind-Blowing Secrets to Keep You Hooked Until Season 6!

Read on for clues on how to identify Charles in Rosewood, Mona's ulterior motives, and if a 'PLL' wedding is headed our way...

It's time to spill all those pretty little secrets!

After watching Tuesday's season five that was jam-packed with heart-pounding twists and jaw-dropping turns, it's time to get all the 'A' answers you're desperately craving.

ETonline called up Pretty Little Liars star Janel Parrish and executive producer Oliver Goldstick to get the exclusive details on what's coming up in season six.

Read on for clues on how to identify Charles in Rosewood, Mona's ulterior motives, and if a PLL wedding is headed our way after the highly anticipated time-jump…

WATCH: 'PLL' Postmortem: Marlene King Talks 'A's Shocking Secret

1. Fans Will See Charles' Face in Season 6: If you were underwhelmed by Tuesday's "Big A Reveal" all you need to do is wait a little bit longer for the answers you crave. "You will see 'A's face in episode 10, that is no lie," Goldstick promised. "You will finally see 'A's face and you will understand who 'A' is, how 'A' got to be big 'A', and it will all make sense. You will look back and you will all go, 'Wow!'"

2. The PLL Time Jump Will Be Satisfying: After the Liars finally unveil the face behind the mask, fans will be treated to a huge time jump in the winter 2016 season. "It's really satisfying jump with some wonderful surprises," the PLL boss teased. "We've sort of set up their sights and talents and interests and loved ones in previous episodes. So you won't be like, 'Oh my god where did that come from?!' but there are some things you won't see coming."

3. 'A' Love and Hates Ali: Throughout the series, we always thought that 'A' hated Ali with a fiery passion, however after Tuesday's shocking revelation that Ali is Charles' "favorite," we don’t know which way his emotions fall. "That's a really good question and I think it's both," Goldstick explained. "I think it's a love-hate that's what's so cool about this character I think it's a love slash hate."

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ABC Family

4. Season 6 Will Be Compressed: We're no longer going to be stuck in Rosewood's perpetual autumn! Goldstick said it's time to speed up the PLL timeline. "It's a compression. We're doing season 6A as three weeks, two weeks before graduation," he said. "And the trauma and the fall-out of that bunker will inform all of the 10 episodes and help them solve finally the mystery of A."

5. 'A' Messed With Mona's Death Plan: "Basically Mona staged her death. She needed to go undercover to expose who 'A' was and return as a hero," Goldstick clarified. "Her plan went awry, clearly. The person we saw her beating her on the stairs before she was abducted and what not, that might have not been so planned." Poor Mona! "She basically fell into 'A's clutches," Parrish further elaborated. "That was part of 'A's plan and she was kept in that dollhouse ever since her disappearance."

6. There Could Be a Pretty Little Wedding: When Goldstick mentioned the PLL flash-forward, we asked if one of the Liars could possibly take a trip down the aisle. "Will one of them be married? Mmmm…. I'd say yes," he teased. "And that's the kind of stuff we're going to jump into, and I think that's really exciting." Our money is on a Haleb wedding!

WATCH: 'PLL' Boss Drops Major 'A' Clues - 'You May See Double!'

ABC Family

7. Mona Could Still Be Working With 'A': It's clear that Charles stole the game from Mona in season three, but it's not clear where her allegiance lays. "Once she was hospitalized he seemed to have taken over her game -- that doesn't mean she's not involved," Goldstick said, " I won't answer that yet, but I’ll just tell you that [Mona] wanted to know [the truth] because she was so mortified that someone was basically doing what she was doing so well and even better."

8. We've Seen 'A' in Rosewood Before: If you're wondering if Charles is a character we haven't met before -- think again! "It is somebody you have met before," Goldstick spilled. "This person has graced the screen before." Better start guessing now, Little Liars…

9. Don't Expect Mona to Stay Blonde: If/when the Liars finally escape 'A's dungeon of dolls, Parrish spilled she hopes Mona will run straight to Rosewood's best hair salon. "I look terrible blond!" she exclaimed. "I think she's immediately going to go back [brunette] because I don’t think she wants anything to do with looking like or pretending to be Alison.

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ABC Family

10. 'A' Will Severely Punish the Liars: After their prom night catastrophe, you can bet that Charles is going to be furious with the Liars for what they uncovered. "We will all be punished in Seaosn 6 for what we've done which is basically we've fooled A and tried to get away from him," Parrish promised. "You will see exactly how crazy this person is, which I think is fun. It's season six, we can start getting a little bit more twisted."

11. That Was Not Mona's Voice in the Dollhouse: Many fans thought the creepy voice directing the Liars from room to room was that of Janel Parrish, but after chatting with the PLL actress we now know the truth. "No, that was not me," she said with a laugh. "But I did hear some fans saying all night that they did think it was me but no, it was not my voice. I mean that could've been the idea that they were going for, the writers, but if so, I wasn't told and it definitely wasn’t me."

12. Look Out for a "Strong" Character: When we asked Goldstick to give us a physical clue about 'A' to look out for when we’re trying to narrow down the list of suspects, the shworunner offered up this intriguing bit: "I would say look for inner strength that matches outer. 'A' is a very strong person."

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13. Charles' 'A' Motives Are Worse Than Mona's: "Mona's motives were that she was tortured and tormented by Ali and she wanted to get revenge so badly," Parrish spilled. "But I think this 'A' is different. I think this 'A' is severely twisted. I think that he wants his doll so he can play with her and manipulate her and control her -- and I think that's Alison. I think it's an obsession that's totally different from Mona's. It's dangerous and it's going to be sick and twisted and I'm excited for fans to find out more."

14. That Secret Lair is VERY Important: "The things he keeps in his lair are sort of a looking glass as to who he might be and why he's doing this," Parrish explained. "I think that room is going to become really important this season as we piece together who Charles is and why he wants to hurt the girls so badly and why he protects Ali." Goldstick agreed and dropped this major tease: "That home movie is a key that unlocks the Big 'A' door."

Which PLL secret shocked you the most? What are you most looking forward to when Pretty Little Liars returns in June? Shout out your thoughts to @LeanneAguilera on Twitter!