'Entourage' Boys are Back...And Heading to the Big Screen?

'Entourage' Boys are Back...And Heading to the Big Screen?

Jeremy Piven, Adrian Grenier and the Boys of "Entourage" are back for their eighth and final season and our Samantha Harris caught up with them in Malibu to talk about the end of the show, and the possibility of a move to the big screen.

As the season opens, Vince (Adrian Grenier) is just getting out of rehab and the boys meet up to discuss his future plans. The general atmosphere on set could best be described as denial over the show ending and hope of its return as a movie. Adrian puts it best, "I just choose not to believe it. Somewhere inside I keep thinking, well if there is enough demand someone will see reason and re-up season 9." Jeremy Piven on the other hand seems to have come to terms with the end, saying, "you have to wrap your arms around the fact that everything must end and what a great run we've had." Having worked together for so many years Kevin Dillon sums it up best, "we're all good buddies and I am going to miss these guys."

But all hope is not lost as all of the guys feel confident that a movie is on the horizon. Kevin Connolly says, "the plan is to attempt to do a movie. Lots of things have to happen. The script has to be good and we have to get everybody back together, but it certainly is the plan." Looking towards another one of HBO's successes, Kevin continues, "look if it worked for 'Sex and the City' we're going to try and follow the same template." Kevin Dillon on the other hand has heard word directly from the top, "I talked to (Executive Producer) Mark Wahlberg just a little while ago and he wants to do it right away. He doesn't want to waste a lot of time. He wants to roll right into a movie."

So where would we see the show going with a move to the big screen? If it were Adrian Grenier's decision, "I think we'll need to leave the country. Get on a plane, go somewhere, travel." Kevin Connolly echoes those sentiments, "we can go anywhere. Maybe we'll go to Europe. That would be nice."

To find out what's in store for Vince and the boys be sure to check out the final season of "Entourage" when it premieres July 24 on HBO.