Whoopi Goldberg Reveals She Was Hospitalized Again Following Pneumonia Scare

Whoopi Goldberg
Monica Schipper/Getty Images

The 63-year-old co-host missed more than a month of the morning show earlier this year.

Whoopi Goldberg was back in the hospital.

Less than a month after the 63-year-old co-host returned to The View after suffering from pneumonia and sepsis, Goldberg revealed on Monday's episode of the ABC morning show that she was taken back to the hospital due to a 24-hour bug.

"I am here. I'm much better. I'm much, much better," Goldberg said. "I had a 24-hour bug, which landed me back in the hospital last week, which is why I missed y'all on Thursday."

The bug was nowhere near as serious as her previous health scare, with Goldberg saying that it "came and went" and is now gone.

"I seem to be doing well," she said. "I'm here."

Goldberg's most recent hospitalization came after she missed more than a month of the morning show. She was initially absent from The View in early February and provided her fans with their first update on her health in a video message about a week before her March 14 return. During the video, she revealed that she "came very, very close to leaving the earth."

"I am here, I am up and moving around, not as fast as I'd like to be, but I am OK," she assured viewers. "So here is what happened. I had pneumonia, and I was septic. Pneumonia in both lungs which meant there was fluid and all kinds of stuff going on and yes I came very, very close to leaving the earth. Good news? I didn't."

"Thank you for all of your good wishes," she continued. "All of the wonderful things that people have been saying, even people who have not been huge fans of mine have actually said nice things about me. We all know that's gonna change when I get back, but for right now it's brilliant and thank you for everything."

When she made her surprise reappearance on the morning show a week later, Goldberg further opened up about the scary experience. 

"You think you can push through because you got a little cold, you say, 'I'm just gonna keep going, keep going.' And you think because you've healed quickly before that something crazy can't happen. Well, it can," she said. "I had double pneumonia and sepsis... and so they had to pump a lot of stuff out of me. This is a cautionary tale for all of us. You must really take care of yourself because there is little, tiny stuff out there that will kill you that you never think of."

"... The scariest moment was hearing my doctor say to me, 'You do realize how close to death you were?'" Goldberg added. "That was like, 'Uhhh actually, no, I hadn't thought of it.' He said, 'Well, you need to think of it. You need to be really clear about what this is.'"

Watch the video below for more on Goldberg.