Zaya Wade Adorably Freaks Out During Touching Conversation With Her 'Idol' Michelle Obama

Dwayne Wade's daughter was starstruck after having a conversation with her idol, former First Lady Michelle Obama.

Zaya Wade freaked out over meeting her "idol" Michelle Obama and it was nothing short of adorable. The pair had a virtual conversation on Thursday and Wade shared a video of their call on Instagram.

"I'm meeting an idol. I'm literally meeting an idol," Wade gushed before talking to the former first lady about what advice she has for teen readers of her memoir, Becoming.

"What advice do you have for teens who want to be themselves and thrive like you have and currently are?" Wade asked.

"Well, like you have and currently are," the former First Lady quipped. "I am just so proud of you, you know, being just an amazing role model and embracing your truth."

Obama praised the teen for already having that knowledge of herself before giving some advice to any teens tuning into their conversation.

"It does take time to know what yourself is, for young people. So, my first piece of advice is be patient with yourself, No. 1," Obama advised. "At your age, or in the teenage years and probably through your 20s, you're gonna be experimenting with so many versions of yourself, right? All young people are trying on different versions, different voices, they're learning more about their intellect, they're learning about what they love, what they're good at, what they like. This is the period of exploration."

The best-selling author told Wade not to worry about having it all figured out just yet and encouraged young people to keep on exploring and embracing "the new."

Wade thanked Obama for her advice and the pair made plans see each other in person one day.

Watch the video below to see Wade re-enact one of the most famous scenes from her stepmother, Gabrielle Union's film10 Things I Hate About You.