'90 Day Bares All': Tim Shockingly Loses His Temper Amid Breakup With Melyza

Melyza and Tim

The former couple has finally called it quits after an entire season of fighting on '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way.'

Tim has had enough when it comes to rehashing his past with Melyza. The 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way pair revealed on Sunday's episode of 90 Day Bares All that they have finally called it quits amid fallout from Tim cheating on Melyza with a co-worker. On the latest episode of the Discovery+ streaming show, viewers also got to see a never-before-seen clip that showed Tim completely losing his cool.

In the clip, while on a video call, Melyza laments about Tim's "mood swings," which he says are a result of "talking about depressing things" and the "mistakes" he made in the past "constantly."

"The reason why we keep having these conversations over and over again is because anytime that you decide to go off and talk to other people like your co-workers, since that's something that you really enjoy doing, finding people to f**k at work," Melyza says.

The usually mild-mannered Tim then explodes.

"Who did I f**k at work? Besides f**king the first girl," he yells. "It was somebody that came on to me that I didn't even f**king pursue at all... It doesn't matter what I tell you. In your mind, I f**ked her."

"So now it's my fault that you're a compulsive liar?" Melyza asks.

"I'm not a f**king compulsive liar and I'm getting tired of f**king hearing that," he responds. "... I try to be honest with you about all those primal things. I like the fact that somebody's being interested in me, so I was talking to them as a human being. As a person... I was doing what I was entitled to do."

When Melyza tells Tim that he's "so f**king rude" for interrupting her, he responds, "Guess what? I get to interrupt because I f**king want to interrupt. I will f**king do whatever the f**k I want. I'm tired of talking about this s**t." 

On Bares All, the former couple agreed that fighting at such an intense level wasn't always a part of their relationship, before Tim explained how they got to that point.

"It would feel like one step forward, two steps back. I just got tired of that, really," he said. "The fact that we have gotten to a point where we would argue, I would get that upset, or I would feel that defensive, or I would turn it into the self-loathing. You're not going to be able to love anybody until you know how to love yourself and I don't completely love myself yet."

A week after the events in the never-before-seen clip took place, Melyza said she got an Instagram message from someone who saw Tim out on a date in Dallas. Tim admitted to being on the date, but said he "didn't owe her an explanation" about it because they were broken up by then.

"He had broken up with me a week before, but we were still talking and we still had plans to see each other. We were still holding on to some hope," Melyza said. "As soon as I started texting him about this, on that weekend he blocks me and he starts ghosting me."

"This will come as another surprise to no one, [it was] another co-worker. Can you believe that? That's new," she continued. "This is a different one. It's another co-worker from a different job, which comes as a surprise to no one because that's a pattern right there."

Tim admitted that there "are three co-workers" with whom he's had some sort of romantic relationship with, before Melyza explained what she found so upsetting about their split.

"If you don't want to be with me, and you know my intentions and you know I want to be with you, then don't lead me to believe that you want that as well and then disappear because you are on a date, and then lie about that, and then once you're confronted, keep lying, and then admit to it, because I do have proof, and then stop talking to me because I found out about you seeing other people," she said.

Tim once again started yelling and dropping F-bombs in response.

"If you've got a picture from me being out on a date that I'm perfectly in my rights to be out on, then you f**king tell me that," he said. "You don't play this f**king game. If you don't want games played, you don't play the f**king game."

"I do have to raise my voice," he added."You're going to f**king make up this s**t. This is ridiculous."

Melyza said the whole experience left her feeling "so hurt" because she felt as if she was treated "like a fling."

"I'm nothing like a fling," she said. "I was with him for almost six years and he just decided to erase me from his life."

Tim responded, "I stopped talking to you because I f**king broke up with you."

90 Day Bares All airs Sundays on Discovery+.