'90 Day Fiancé': Jovi Tells Yara She Isn't 'Fun Anymore' After Becoming a Mom

Jovi is not enjoying his new life as a dad.

Jovi is not enjoying his new life as a dad. On Sunday's episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, Jovi continued to have a hard time adjusting to life away from the city of New Orleans as well as experiencing a new side of his wife, Yara.

Jovi and Yara welcomed their daughter, Mylah, at the end of their season of 90 Day Fiancé, but he had to go overseas for work shortly after. Jovi's job in underwater robotics takes him away for months at a time, and during that time, Yara moved them out of their apartment in New Orleans to what he referred to as "the middle of nowhere." Jovi also didn't like that Yara had Mylah sleeping in their bed instead of her own crib.

"I don't know why Jovi always trying to make me look like a psycho mama," Yara defended herself to cameras. "The point is it's so hard for me by myself to run five times per night or sometimes even more to her crib."

Jovi also didn't understand Yara adhering to such a strict schedule for the baby, including being home by 6 p.m. in order to put Mylah to sleep at 7 p.m. Later, he saw just how strictly Yara adhered to the schedule when she invited his family over to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas and told him to tell them to go home right at 6 p.m. -- even though they drove two hours to visit them.

"I think that's extremely rude," he told her. "If you want people to leave, you're going to be the bad guy. I'm not doing this for you. You invited these people, my family, to come to our house for Ukrainian Christmas. I'm not kicking them out."

Yara did end up being the one to tell Jovi's family to leave, and not surprisingly, his mom, Gwen, was appalled.

"You're telling us to leave?" she asked. "We need to leave, for real? It's six o'clock, and she sleeps in y'all bed. She can go lay down later, right? Jovi, you kicking us out?"

"I get the fact that Mylah has a schedule. That's a good thing," Gwen also told cameras. "But she invited us here. We drove two hours to get here. I think that she's being pretty strict, like, 'It's going to be like this, and that's it.' And Jovi came home from work into Yara's world. He doesn't have any say so at all. So, I think that she needs to cut him some slack because it is totally ridiculous that you're going to kick people out. I think that's kind of rude."

But Yara again defended herself to cameras noting that it "wasn't a Cajun party," but Ukrainian Christmas.

"Baby has a schedule and I did everything to respect them, to invite them, to show them my tradition," she noted. "We say in Ukraine like this -- You feed. You enjoy the food. You freaking leave, go home. OK? Know your place."

Yara and Jovi continued to disagree when they went out to buy Mylah a crib and Jovi noted the change in Yara since she gave birth.

"Before, when we were dating, Yara was a lot more fun, and she used to stay up all night," he shared. "Yara would like to stay out till four or five in the morning. I'd be begging her, 'Like, hey, can we please go home?' So, Yara is completely different."

"I wasn't expecting as soon as I get married, um, we're having a baby right after, you know?" he continued. "These are two things that you should try to separate a little bit more in your life, and for us, it just all happened at once. And I think it's important for us to keep the fire going in our relationship. Because every time we go to bed, there's a baby in our bed. So, it's like Mylah's gonna need to move from our bed to her own bed." 

While Jovi was all for Mylah getting a new bed, he was stunned at the prices at the store, and refused to pay $650 for the one Yara wanted. He then told her that they needed to take a trip, just the two of them, to reconnect. Not surprisingly, Yara was opposed and said her husband was being too pushy.

"I mean, I miss the old Yara," Jovi told her bluntly. "You were fun. Don't get me wrong, you're being a good mom but at the same time, like, you're not fun. ... I know we need to do it to fix our relationship. We need to have just one good weekend where we can go out and have fun, and stay up past seven o'clock at night. I want this life, but at the same time, you need to stop being a crazy mom and thinking that you can't leave your baby."

Jovi continued to vent his frustrations to cameras.

"I feel like I try to take her out to do stuff during the day, I try to buy her lingerie," he said. "But, I feel like every time I try and bring up something fun to Yara, I get rejected. We used to have such a good time together. We rarely had a boring day, you know? We were always doing something. Always staying active. Now it's like, you're scared to leave the house with Mylah. I don't know what to do. It's gonna drive me crazy, if this is how things are always gonna be."

But Yara pointed out to him that this is their lives now and that being a parent was forever.

"You know what, maybe I'm not fun, but it's not fun to breastfeed every single two hours," she noted, before walking out of the store. "Maybe it's not fun to carry a baby about ourselves and all of that stuff. Maybe it's not fun too, when I'm by myself."

She too vented to the cameras, and said she wasn't going to stand for Jovi's attitude.

"It's been really hard for me since I come to U.S.," she stressed. "And now, I finally feel comfortable in America. But since Jovi's been home, he argue with me about every parenting choice. And now he says I'm not a fun person, not fun mama. I've been raising a newborn on my own, and I think it's not fair that he's judging me. Jovi needs to accept that this is his new life because I will not let him push me around."