Chris Evans Says He's 'Laser-Focused' on His Love Life and Finding Someone Special

The 'Gray Man' star is looking for love.

In the mood for romance! Chris Evans says he's looking for love and companionship. The Gray Man star recently sat down for an interview with Shondaland, and was asked about what he's currently "laser focused" on in his own life.

The celebrated leading man revealed that he's actually on a mission to find someone to get serious with, romantically. "Maybe [I'm] laser-focused on finding a partner," Evans, 41, shared. "Someone that you want to live with."

"I mean, look -- I love what I do. It’s great," Evans continued. "I pour all of myself into it. But in terms of -- even this industry is full of pockets of doubt, hesitation, and recalibration in terms of really trying to find someone that you really can pour all of yourself into."

"Maybe it’s about trying to find someone that you’re looking to spend your life with," he added. "Yes, so maybe it’s that."

Amid his search for a long-term love interest, Evans still has a lot on his plate, career-wise. Apart from Lightyear's recent release and the forthcoming debut of Netflix's The Gray Man, he's also trying to get a movie about Gene Kelly off the ground.

Evans spoke with ET's Matt Cohen at press day for Lightyear last month, and and he offered some details about the project that truly has his juices flowing.

"God, I'm dying to get that thing on its feet, no pun intended," he shared. "I love dancing, tap dancing. I love, love, love Gene Kelly. It's not a biopic by any means. It's more of a kinda voice, kind of fantastical interpretation of Gene Kelly, but it's something that will require a lot of work."

Evans added, "This isn't something you can just kind of say, 'Yeah, dust off the tap shoes and dive in.' This is something that will take months and months to kind of perfect and make sure that I do it justice. But I can't think of anything more exciting."