Britney Spears' Mom Weighs In on Accusation That Singer's Team Deletes Positive Instagram Comments

Britney Spears' Boyfriend 'Inspired' By Her Decision to Seek Help

Lynne Spears says she couldn't find the comments she posted on her daughter's Instagram.

Britney Spears' mother, Lynne Spears, is weighing in on claims that her daughter's team is deleting positive comments from her Instagram.

The account AbsoluteBritneycom accused the singer's team of only leaving negative comments "to keep up the illusion that she needs help!" "They were all so quick to remove all comments before but now all the sudden they are leaving all negative ones but removing positive ones!" the account claimed. "How much longer is this going to be?!? This has to be human rights violation!!!! #FreeBritney." ET has reached out to Britney's reps for comment.

Lynne, meanwhile, appeared to support the claims, leaving a comment that suggested so.

"I can’t believe u just posted this because I had a friend tell me the same thing! I posted something and tried to go back and find it and none of it is in order and I couldn’t find mine, which I JUST POSTED???" she wrote. "I know you are a true fan and love her so thank you for pointing this out because I have had others say the same?."


It's been a tumultuous couple of months for Britney, as she's been in court to attend status hearings on her conservatorship, and, last week, she was granted a permanent five-year restraining order against her former manager, Sam Lutfi.

As ET previously reported, Britney's dad, Jamie, became her sole conservator this year after his former co-conservator, attorney Andrew Wallet, resigned in March. Last Wednesday, Jamie officially filed legal documents asking a judge to allow Britney's long-standing California conservatorship to be extended, enforced and confirmed in her home state of Louisiana.

Some of the main guidelines of the California conservatorship, which Jamie is asking the state of Louisiana to enforce, include allowing the conservator to "have the power to restrict and limit visitors by any means," along with the power to retain a "caretaker for the conservatee" on a 24-hour, seven-day basis. Last month, Lynne also requested special notice of all matters relating to her daughter's conservatorship

In May, a source told ET that the "Sometimes" singer is in "no state to be able to take care of herself."

"Britney has had another very difficult week," the source said at the time, adding that "getting through each day is a challenge."

"Performing again right now or anytime soon is not an option," the source expressed. "She is in no state to be able to take care of herself let alone to do live shows. She needs to get the right combination of medication and therapy for more than just a 30-day stay in a facility for her to be able to function properly."

ET also learned that despite the #FreeBritney protests by some of her fans, the singer has the freedom to go where she wants, but must have a security escort and isn't allowed to go to places like liquor stores.

For more on Britney, watch below.