Inside Chris Pratt's 21-Day Commitment to Prayer and Fasting

The 39-year-old actor will follow "a vegan diet with additional restrictions" for the next three weeks.

Chris Pratt is going on a three-week spiritual journey.

The 39-year-old actor took to his Instagram Story on Wednesday to open up about how the Daniel Fast -- a 21-day fast that focuses on prayer -- is affecting his life.

"OK. Hi. Chris Pratt here," said the Jurassic World star, who is profusely sweating in the video. "Day 3 of the Daniel Fast. Check it out. It's 21 days of prayer and fasting and it's going to coincide also coincidentally with the Lego Movie 2 junket. So, by the time you see me, I'll probably be hallucinating."

"Stay tuned," he added.


According to, those on the biblical fast set out to "deny food for a spiritual purpose." Based upon the Prophet Daniel's fasting experiences in the Bible, the site describes the fast as "a vegan diet with additional restrictions." Additionally, the most important part of the fast "is to have a meaningful encounter with God and to draw nearer to Him."  

During the 21-day undertaking, participants may only drink water and stick to vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes, healthy liquid oils, and nuts and seeds when eating. This means that people doing the fast are to avoid meat, animal products, dairy products, sweeteners, leavening agents, refined and processed food, deep fried foods, solid fats and all beverages except water.

This isn't the first time Pratt has restricted his diet. Back in 2016, he jokingly suggested a new fad diet while showing off meat from a recent deer hunt.

“I'm going to start a diet I called ‘The Game Plan’ where basically I only eat wild game for a year,” he shared with his Instagram followers. “‘The Game Plan,’ get it? Cause GAME? I mean, I'll also eat veggies and fruit and other stuff too. But for one year I want to eat only the meats that were caught or killed by me or my friends. Total free range organic wild game! The game plan. Join me.”

He jokingly went on to reveal the many exceptions to his plan -- steak, sushi and the occasional cheeseburger were included.

About a year later, while filming Jurassic World 2, Pratt really did change his diet. In a series of Instagram videos, Pratt entertained fans with videos he called #WHATSMYSNACK. In the clips, he hilariously showed off his eating regimen, which included a carrot cake muffin, a healthy smoothie and sliced sashimi. 

As a result of the videos, some users began claiming that Pratt looked "skeletal." This prompted the actor to share a message about body shaming, alongside a photo of a dinosaur skeleton. 

"So many people have said I look too thin in my recent episodes of #WHATSMYSNACK. Some have gone as far as to say I look 'skeletal,'" Pratt wrote in the caption. "Well, just because I am a male doesn't mean I'm impervious to your whispers. Body shaming hurts."

"So to prove my security in the way I look I'm posting a current selfie of me at what I consider a very healthy weight. 500lbs. Zero percent body fat," he continued. "Totally JK guys. This is a T Rex skull. Nailed you so bad. Omg."

Pratt's recent fast comes just days after he was spotted shirtless while enjoying a tropical getaway with his girlfriend, Katherine Schwarzenegger, in Mexico.

Watch the video below for more with the action star: