James Charles Back on YouTube Following 'Incredibly Toxic' Drama Involving Tati Westbrook

The social media star posted a new video on Tuesday, in which he explained he's now in a 'better state' with his mental health.

James Charles posted his first YouTube video in a month on Tuesday, marking the social media star’s return to the platform following a hiatus sparked by drama with fellow vlogger Tati Westbrook.

Charles and Westbrook became embroiled in a war of words over the web after Westbrook accused him of inappropriate behavior last month.

“It feels so weird to be sitting here in the studio,” Charles said in a video titled “Hi Sisters.” “I basically just took a much-needed month-long break from filming YouTube videos and also from social media. I’ve been posting here and there, easing my way back into everything, but it’s been a very, very crazy month.”

Charles then added that being “literally addicted” to social media for the past three years had taken a huge toll on his well-being, but he was now feeling better.

“It was so much fun, but it got to a point where it was incredibly toxic for me and my mental health and after everything that just went on on social media, I needed some time to detox and slow it down,” said Charles, who recently turned 20. “Of course, still do what I absolutely love, which is handling business, playing with makeup and seeing my friends, but just do it on a little bit of a lower scale.”

“I’m really excited to say that after the last month, I’ve done a lot of growing and thinking and am now able to leave my phone in another room and walk out and, like, enjoy life,” he continued. “For me, that’s major, major progress. I’m in a better state than I was, mental-health-wise and I am just so blessed to have the same amazing friends that I have around me.”

Within four hours of being posted, the clip had received more than 460,000 views and was the number two trending video on YouTube, only behind Taylor Swift's new "You Need to Calm Down" music video.

While Charles laid low on all social media channels during his break, he tweeted about a party he attended for Kylie Jenner’s skincare line in May.

"I said I wouldn’t be filming for a bit and would pop in on my other socials, point being to focus on living rather than forcing content," he explained. "Healing for me consists of doing things that make me happy, such as playing with makeup & being social, instead of laying in bed all day."

"Social media is a part of my life and I like keeping up with all of you, and I know a lot of you like keeping up with me!" Charles continued in a second tweet. "Posting a few stories of me smiling doesn’t mean I’m 'better' or my break was for sympathy ? it means I’m trying to move on with my life and better myself!"

See more Charles’ drama below.