Jenelle Evans Says She Doesn't Know If David Eason Killed Their Dog After Police Report She Made Up the Story

Evans' comments come a day after the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office reported that she made up the story for publicity.

Jenelle Evans is now claiming that she does not know if her husband, David Eason, shot her dog, Nugget.

A day after the Columbus County Sheriff’s Office reported that the Teen Mom 2 star made up the story for publicity, Evans says she has no idea what happened to her family pet after it bit her 2-year-old daughter, Ensley, in the face.

"I told [the chief of police], I said, 'You know, I don't know what ended up happening to my dog, because I wasn’t outside," she told TMZ Live on Friday about the conversation she had with the police. "But I was inside my house, and you know, my dog bit my daughter on the face, and David took her outside. I stayed inside with Ensley, Kaiser and Marissa, and that’s it."

When asked if the dog is alive, she replied, "I have no idea. You would have to ask David that. I still have not asked David to this day."

Evans then claimed that she didn't remember what her husband said under oath about the incident.

"After David went outside with the dog, I walked over to him, and he was by the edge of the woods and he said, 'You don't want to come over here.' And I said, 'Why?' And he said, 'Your dog is not here anymore.'"

"So I assumed that was my dog being dead," she said, adding that at the time she did believe her husband shot her dog. "Yes. I mean, the dog isn't here. I mean, I don't know what happened. And she hasn't been around since, so I don’t know."

When pressed one more time for details about what Eason ultimately said on the stand, she firmly stated, "I'm not exploiting my husband, and if you wanna talk to him about it, you can."

On Thursday, police released a press release explaining that after the 27-year-old reality star contacted police on April 29 and advised them that Eason had shot her French bulldog after the dog bit their daughter in the face, they conducted a search of the couple's property on May 13, but found no blood evidence or any other physical evidence to validate that an animal had been fatally injured there.

Police also said that when they questioned Evans a day after the search, her account of the incident changed, and she said she no longer wanted the Columbus County Sheriff's Office or the District Attorney's Office to continue with the investigation. According to police, Evans also said she filed the initial animal cruelty report for the publicity.

"Jenelle's accounts were inconsistent with her original account of the events that occurred on April 29," the statement read. "Jenelle advised that she was inside with her children at the time of the alleged event. She advised that she never heard or saw anything to indicate that David shot her dog. .... Jenelle advised that 'she don't know where the dog is.' She also advised that 'I don't know if she was shot or killed or not.' Jenelle stated that the reason she filed the animal cruelty report was for the publicity and because she did not know where her dog was."

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office has closed the investigation. No charges will be filed in this case.  

On May 1, Evans took to Instagram to express her grief over her dog's alleged death. Eason later appeared to confirm his role in the dog's alleged death in a now-deleted Instagram post, claiming that Nugget bit Ensley.

Meanwhile, Evans temporarily lost custody of her children in May after the incident and was fired from MTV's Teen Mom 2. A source told ET at the time that Evans' firing came as an unpleasant surprise to the reality star, as she had been having ongoing conversations with production about her future with the network and the show.

See more on the couple's drama in the video below.