Play Along With Entertainment Tonight's Golden Globes 2016 Bingo!

It's not just Jennifer Lawrence versus Amy Schumer for Best Actress!

Need a way to distract yourself from the soul crushing realization that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler aren’t returning to host the Golden Globes this year? #NODISRESPECTTORICKYGERVAIS

Want to up the stakes of the evening, more so than just who will win Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Limited Series or Motion Picture Made for Television?

Just really enjoy playing Bingo?

Well, without further ado, we present ET’s Golden Globes 2016 Bingo:


MORE: Behold, The 16 Most GIFable Moments From the Golden Globes

The rules are simple: Win completing any column going vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, and make sure you use the free space! That’s why we gave it to you!

Since this is the Globes -- the drunkest award show of the season -- feel free to turn this into a drinking game. Take a shot/sip/whatever every time you check a box off. Just stop before you're as drunk as Glenn Close.

Before the big show on Sunday, check out our predictions of who will win: