'SNL': Kate McKinnon Says Goodbye to Jeff Sessions Impression With Help From Robert De Niro

Robert De Niro as Robert Mueller on Saturday Night Live

After 18 months, McKinnon bid farewell to her hilariously bizarre Sessions character.

With the ousting of Attorney General Jeff Sessions last week, Saturday Night Live fans had to say goodbye to Kate McKinnon's hilariously weird impression of Sessions, and the send-off featured a surprising celeb cameo.

Saturday's cold open featured McKinnon's Sessions -- who, in the SNL universe, is the grandson of a rabid raccoon -- packing up his office after being forced to resign by President Donald Trump.

As Sessions packed up his Confederate flag coffee mug and his framed pictures of Trump, Vice President Mike Pence (Beck Bennett) dropped by to bid him farewell, and ask if he was OK.

"I put kids in cages, I ruled against gays, what more did you guys want?" Sessions lamented.

After Pence quickly had to excuse himself after admitting he "only heard 'gays' and 'cages,'" Sessions got another visit from Donald Trump Jr. (Mikey Day) and Eric Trump (Alex Moffat), who came bearing gifts.

"I made a picture for your bye-bye," Moffat's Eric said. "It's a hand turkey!"

The picture itself was a hand-turkey that clearly was drawn around the outline of a hand giving a middle finger."

"Dad helped him make it," Day's Donald Jr. added.

Once he found himself alone again, McKinnon's Sessions really got emotional, hugging his picture of the president.

"I really did my best Mr. Trump. After all we've been through, I thought you'd at least say goodbye," Sessions pined, before breaking into a stunning rendition of Adele's "Someone Like You."

However, the surprisingly emotional musical number wasn't the finale it appeared to be, as Sessions heard a knock on the door and looked over to see Robert De Niro as Special Investigator Robert Mueller walking through his office door.

"Oh boy, Robert Mueller," Sessions said, nervously.

"I just came to say thanks for your help with the investigation," De Niro's Mueller said.

"Am I in the report?" Sessions asked.

"A little bit," Mueller replied.

"Is the president in the report?" Sessions added.

"A lotta bit." Mueller confirmed.

"Don't get cocky, Mr. Mueller. With the new Attorney General you might be out of a job soon too," Sessions warned, before embracing Mueller around the waist as they both sang the Adele tune together.

This is the second cold open to not feature Alec Baldwin as Trump, however he did appear in flashbacks as McKinnon's Sessions dreamed about their time together over the last 18 months.

Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. ET/8:30 p.m. PT on NBC.