'The Bachelor': Colton Underwood Eliminates a Frontrunner After Hometown Dates

Hometowns didn't end well for everyone.

Colton Underwood headed to hometowns, but it didn't end well for everyone. 

Last week's episode saw our Bachelor finally choose his final four -- Cassie, Caelynn, Tayshia and Hannah -- and this week, he took a crucial next step by meeting their families. Following last week's drama, where accusations flew about who is and isn't ready for marriage, we found out from the women's parents what they thought about their TV journeys to find love, with Cassie's dad especially not on board. ET was live blogging the episode, which saw Cassie's major red flags, his smooth sailing (and skydiving) on his dates with Hannah G. and Tayshia, and his ultimate goodbye with Caelynn. 

While recapping last week's episode with ET, Bachelor in Paradise alum Jordan Kimball said that he thinks just 50 percent of the remaining women are actually on the show to get engaged to Colton -- and he was leaning towards believing Kirpa and Tayshia in their assessments of Caelynn and Cassie. 

"At the end of this, if the girl that [Colton] picks isn't ready, I'm going to be like, 'Yo, Kirpa told you!' I'm going to tweet out, 'Kirpa told you!'" Jordan said. "I'm going to call everyone out because someone's gotta do it. There's been all these red flags. ...I can't wait for the Women Tell All." 

Read though this week's drama below. 

The Fence Jump Is Next Week!

The moment we've all been waiting for will finally play out on TV next week.

The promo shows Colton crying, Cassie crying, Tayshia (kind of) getting an overnight date, AND THE FAMOUS FENCE JUMP.

"I don't know what the future holds for me," he says as he tells producers he's done with the show. 

The Women Get Excited About Fantasy Suites

"Things are going to get super hot. I'm ready, let's go!" Hannah says. 

Caelynn Feels 'Like an Idiot'

"I saw it. I have never felt like this in a relationship, and I felt like we just had this connection from the start," Caelynn tells Colton. "I feel like an idiot." 

The 23-year-old beauty queen then breaks down in tears, crying into Colton's shoulder. 

Colton Sends Caelynn Home

Hannah G. and Tayshia get the night's first roses, leaving Colton to choose between BFFs Cassie and Caelynn. 

And it's Cassie who gets the final rose, meaning Caelynn is going home. 

Rose Ceremony Time!

The hometown dates are over, and Colton's ready to say goodbye to one woman.

"I feel like tonight, I have to continue to trust myself, and follow my heart like I have every step of the way in this journey so far. So that's what I'm going to do," he says before handing out the roses. 

Colton Doesn't Get Cassie's Dad's Blessing

"I think that a lifelong commitment, that's big, and shouldn't be taken at all lightly," Cassie's dad tells Colton. 

"I didn't get her dad's blessing, and that's really disappointing," Colton tells the camera. 

To top it all off, Cassie didn't tell Colton that she's falling in love with him. "I'm really excited to see where everything can go. I don't want it to be over," she told him before they said goodbye. 

Cassie's Dad Is Not Happy

Cassie's dad might be harder to crack than Tayshia's. 

"It's just something you don't jump into," he says. "How can you be sure after that short of time? He's still dating three other girls." 

"Oh my gosh, I'm not dumb!" Cassie replies. "You have to know I'm being smart about this." 

"You're 23. You have your whole life ahead of you, and you don't have to rush into anything," her dad says back. "Honey, I do trust you..." 

Cassie's Sister Breaks Down

Cassie brings Colton to her family, and they understandably have some reservations.

"I want you to be with somebody who is perfect," Cassie's sister, Michelle says, crying. "I don't want you to settle for anything less." 

Colton, meanwhile, asks Cassie's mom how she's been (isn't this the first time they're meeting?), and lays his feelings out there. "I'm falling in love with Cassie," he says. "I'm OK with not hearing it back. I want to know that she can get there." 

Red Flags?

Colton can't quite figure out where Cassie stands in their relationship, and she's not giving him answers. 

"I know how I feel, but I want to be sure. That's why you meeting my family is really important to me," Cassie says. 

"I know Colton is falling in love with me," she tells the camera, adding that she doesn't want to say it back unless she's sure she means it. 

Colton and Cassie Reunite in Huntington Beach

Colton reunites with Cassie in Huntington Beach for a surfing lesson, which starts with a hell of a lot of PDA. 

"I think my first time trying to surf is going to be great," Colton says -- though we have less confidence. 

Tayshia's Dad Serves Up Realness

"Oh my god!" Desmond says when Tayshia tells him she'd accept Colton's proposal. "You don't microwave relationships... that's what's going on." 

However, Tayshia eventually got him to warm up to the idea. "All I can do is go off of your feelings and what you're telling me... I trust you," he told her, before sitting down with the family to give Colton his blessing.

"I am content with saying yes to Colton," Desmond announces. 

Desmond Isn't Making it Easy for Colton

"I am falling in love with her," Colton tells Tayshia's dad. "She knows that I'm falling in love with her." 

Desmond, however, is here with the tough questions, like where he stands in his other relationships. And he's not too thrilled when Colton asks for his blessing to marry Tayshia. 

"Colton, man, you're laying it on me. I appreciate you manning up, but I just met you, you know what I mean? I need to make sure it's the right thing. So straight-up, I think you're a good guy, but obviously I want to protect her," Desmond says.

"It's disappointing to not get his blessing," Colton tells the camera. 

Tayshia Tests Colton

Tayshia is SMART, testing Colton on her family's names before walking him through the door (why haven't we seen more of this?). 

Her dad seems skeptical, so knowing his name -- it's Desmond! We remembered! -- just might help. 

Colton Asks Jesus to Take the Wheel

"Tayshia, she's crazy. God, please let me survive this fall. I still need to lose my virginity!" Colton says before jumping out of the plane. 

Tayshia Takes Colton Skydiving

Where did she get the money for this? After getting put through the ringer in an etiquette class in Hannah's hometown, Tayshia somehow got the budget to take Colton skydiving. 

Despite taking Tayshia bungee jumping in Asia, Colton doesn't look too excited. "Oh f**k," he says during the safety briefing. 

Colton Meets Tayshia in Orange County

Tayshia's hometown is up next, and Colton is headed back to sunny southern California.

So far, however, there's not much to see (is there in Orange County anyway?) because Tayshia has him blindfolded. 

Hannah Is Falling in Love

Caelynn's in love, but Hannah G. is getting there. "I'm falling in love with you," Hannah confesses before saying goodbye. 

"I'm falling in love with you too," Colton replies as they lean in for a kiss. 

Colton Is 2 for 2 on Fathers' Blessings

"I would like your permission to marry your daughter," Colton tells Hannah G.'s father. 

"You know, never really thought about this. Wow," he replies. "I'd give you my blessing." 

Hannah's Parents Struggle

"What are your intentions with my daughter, man? You've known each other, what? A month?" Hannah G.'s dad quizzes Colton. 

Hannah's mom, meanwhile, tries to get to the bottom of the relationship during a conversation with her daughter. 

Why Doesn't Hannah Have an Accent?

Just a sidenote here: where is Hannah G.'s accent? She's from Alabama, just like Hannah B., but she definitely doesn't sound like it. 

Colton Meets Hannah G. for Her Hometown Date

Colton meets Hannah G. in Birmingham, Alabama. 

"Today, we're putting Colton to the test," Hannah tells the camera, revealing that she's putting Colton through an etiquette class before meeting her parents. 

The Date Ends in a Love Declaration

Before sending Colton off on his merry way, Caelynn tells him that she's done falling in love with him. "I am fully in love with you," she admits. 

"I'm ready to get engaged and married," Caelynn tells the camera. "I feel like it's us at the end of this. It feels good to be in love. I'm very happy, very excited." 

Colton Gets Caelynn's Dad's Blessing

"I want to ask you that when those feelings get there... if I could have your permission to marry Caelynn," Colton says. 

"Are you ready, truly, to get married?" John asks, though eventually says if Colton gets to a point where he wants to spend the rest of his life with Colton, he has his blessing. 

Caelynn's Stepdad Tries to Put Colton in the Friendzone

"Sounds more like you can just be friends," Caelynn's stepdad, John, tells her. 

However, the conversation ends in tears as Caelynn praises John for stepping up where her biological father hasn't. 

"I hope John can see everything about us is real," Caelynn tells the camera. 

Caelynn's Family Grills Colton

First Caelynn sits down with her sister, who expresses her doubts. "I'm just skeptical. I just want the best for you. You've gone through so much and you deserve it so much," her sister says. 

Next, Colton speaks with Caelynn's mom. "This is defnitely new territory for us," she confesses. "It's hard to wrap my head around it. It's really hard to get there... it's scary to know that could be my daughter. I don't know if you're ready. I don't know if Caelynn's ready. I have no idea."

Colton Meets Caelynn's Family

The whole family's here to meet Colton and Caelynn (except her biological father, who she doesn't have a relationship with). 

"I'm excited to see how he handles being thrown into the fire," Caelynn says as Colton meets the group. 

"I have to find out just how sincere he is in this relationship with my daughter," Caelynn's stepdad tells the camera. 

Colton Kicks Things Off in Caelynn's Hometown

Colton heads to Caelynn's hometown first in Fredericksburg, Virginia!

The Bachelor airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC. Join ET's Bachelor Nation Facebook group here.