Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Baby Could Share Queen Elizabeth's Birthday

meghan markle
Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

OR with his royal cousins, Princess Charlotte or Prince Louis!

One spring day could be getting a lot more regal!

As Meghan Markle's pregnancy approaches its conclusion, the royal baby fever surrounding her and Prince Harry's firstborn continues to grow. And while Markle's exact due date is unknown, in January, the duchess did confirm that the couple is expecting Baby Sussex in late April to early May, according to multiple royal reporters.

That timeframe puts the little girl or boy in some close proximity to several of his or her royal family members, leading some to ponder whether the child (the couple has opted not to learn the sex before Baby Sussex is born) will be sharing a birthday. Here are the three candidates:

Queen Elizabeth II - April 21: This would obviously be a big one. Born in 1926, the monarch would be Baby Sussex's senior by exactly 93 years. As unlikely as it sounds, it almost happened just last year, when Prince William and Kate Middleton's youngest child was born. Which brings us to...

Prince Louis - April 23: The 11-month-old current youngest member of the royal family could have a birthday buddy before he can walk and talk! If the two of these wind up sharing the date -- or even come within a couple of weeks of each other -- expect late April to become the busiest time of year in royal family birthday celebrations. And lastly...

Princess Charlotte - May 2: Supposing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex end the month of April without one more in their brood, our last chance at having a double birthday will be on the day Kate and William's adorable middle child turns four.

Of course, if Baby Sussex doesn't wind up sharing a big day with any of the above, it's not so bad to have a day to celebrate all her/his own!

Watch the video below for some of Markle's chicest pregnancy fashions.