Rex Manning Day: Check Out Our Favorite 'Empire Records' Quotes

The eighth of April is a big day for 'Empire Records' enthusiasts!

This is not the time to dwell! The eighth of April is a big day for Empire Records enthusiasts as it's been deemed Rex Manning Day.

If you're unfamiliar with the 1995 cult classic, the flick takes place within 24 hours (except for the first scene) at a record store that is welcoming washed-up music heartthrob Rex Manning (Maxwell Caulfield). Meanwhile, they're also trying to do everything they can to stop the independent music store from becoming a chain called Music Town.

In honor of Empire Records, here are 10 lines to quote as you're celebrating the "so sexy" occasion!

1. "We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning day!" -Mark (Ethan Embry)

2. "I went to rock and roll heaven, and I wasn't on the guest list. " -Debra (Robin Tunney)

3. "Well Sinead O'Rebellion. Shock me, shock me, shock me with that deviant behavior." -Gina (Renee Zellweger)

4. "Let me explain it to you. Mitchell's the man. I'm the idiot. You're the screw-up. And we're all losers. Welcome to Music Town." - Joe (Anthony LaPaglia)

5. "I don't feel I need to explain my art to you, Warren." - A.J. (Johnny Whitworth)

6. "This music is the glue of the world, Mark. It's what holds it all together. Without this, life would be meaningless." -Eddie (James "Kimo" Wills)

7. "Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear." - Lucas (Rory Cochrane)

8. "Attention Rex Manning fans, to your left you will notice a shoplifter being chased by night manager, Lucas. This young man will be caught, deep fried in a vat of hot oil and served to our first hundred customers. Just another tasty treat from the gang at Empire Records." - Gina (Renee Zellweger)

9. "The fat man walks alone. " -Lucas (Rory Cochrane)

10. "Why don't you all just fade away." - Rex Manning (Maxwell Caulfield)

For more flashback fun, check out when ET was on set of Heartbreakers with Jennifer Love Hewitt.