Conrad Murray Still Undecided on Taking Stand

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Conrad Murray Still Undecided on Taking Stand

As of Monday, Dr. Conrad Murray, who has been charged in Michael Jackson's death, still hasn't made up his mind on whether or not he will take the stand in his own defense, The Associated Press reports.

According to the AP, Murray told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor that he "will still need more time to talk to [his] counsel about it."

AP reports that sparks flew during Monday's court session as Dr. Paul White, the man widely considered to be "the father of propofol" for his vast research in the drug, was threatened with a $1,000 fine for contempt of court.

Reportedly, White brought up private talks with Murray that were not submitted as evidence.

"It's deliberate and I don't like it," said Judge Pastor. "It's not going to happen again."

Dr. White will be given the opportunity to explain his actions at a contempt hearing on November 16, according to the news source.

Also while on the stand, Dr. White reportedly admitted that "no amount of money" could convince him to administer a hospital anesthetic as potent as propofol in a patient's bedroom, delivering another blow to the defense's case.

Reportedly, Murray has revealed plans to make his final decision on Tuesday in regards to whether or not he will testify.