The Year's Most Important Movie

The Year's Most Important Movie

The advent of the internet paired with increasingly more affordable movie-making equipment has led to a cinematic revolution over the last decade as big thinkers with small wallets have still been able to get their groundbreaking ideas into the public sphere. Archie's Final Project is the latest film to conquer the festival circuit thanks to increasingly thunderous word of mouth, both from average joe's and celebrities (Britney Spears and have both talked up Archie).

The film, about Archie Williams (played perfectly by Gabriel Sunday), chronicles the journey a 17-year old media geek takes after he announces that he's going to kill himself - on camera - for a class project. The movie then plays out like a documentary, as Archie records every single moment of his ensuing experiences. Something star Sunday can relate to, since he entered an identical environment during production.

"I moved onto the set where Archie's room was and stepped into that headspace," the actor tells ETonline. "I was surrounded by cameras and just started making a movie which technology allows us to do today." The actual process to get the project from script to screen, however, was an arduous one as Sunday spent more than two years working on the film -- but he wouldn't have had it any other way.

"It was a grassroots, knock-down, tear-down indie film, but we have a message we really want to convey. We want to speak to young people without speaking down to young people," he says. And their goals have been more than achieved with more than a dozen awards sitting on Archie's shelf, universal praise and an army of "Archie's" (fans who've been touched by the movie and adopted this moniker).

"We've had the most amazing responses -- people have said the movie legitimately saved their life. Archie's Final Project is about connections and I'm so proud that it opens up so much communication between kids and their parents. I hope that everyone is entertained and learns from it, but I also want you to be excited by it, inspired by it and take some aspect of who Archie is into your own life."

For more on Archie's Final Project, click here!