'SNL': Adam Driver Pokes Fun at Kylo Ren Once More in Epic 'Star Wars' Spoof

Kylo Ren on Saturday Night Live

The 'Rise of Skywalker' baddie goes back undercover -- and things go south almost immediately.

Adam Driver couldn't help but pull out some Star Wars jokes -- at his own expense. 

Four years after the Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker baddie first parodied Kylo Ren in an unforgettable Undercover Boss sketch on Saturday Night Live, where his iconic villain went "undercover" as "Matt" the technician, Driver gave us an epic update on how Kylo has been doing since.

Sorry to say, he hasn't been doing all that great at keeping his promise of making his starship better.

In Saturday's Undercover Boss: Where Are They Now? sketch, Kylo is honest with his shortcomings since Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens came out. 

"I'll say it," Kylo says in a monotone voice. "I haven't been the best boss lately. I've been a little distracted by some... personal drama." He's referring to him killing his father Han Solo via lightsaber, cutting his mentor Supreme Leader Snoke in half and fired at his mother's spacecraft and obsessing over Rey.

This time around, Kylo is going back undercover not as "Matt," but "Randy," a blonde entry-level intern. "Time to get a fresh perspective," "Randy" says. "Let's intern."

When Kylo, as "Randy" of course, tries to awkwardly buddy up with some of the other interns on the destroyer, it's beyond awkward. When he attempts to get their take on the whole Rey situation and asks, "When Kylo Ren offers Rey his hand for the second time, do you think she'll take it?" 

"Who cares?" one of the female interns answers, prompting Kylo to get uncomfortably close to her face and say, "I do. I do!"

He quickly realizes that being an intern means doing all the "b**tch work," like clerical stuff, droid wrangling, blue milk orders and dealing with Stormtroopers who don't give him the time of day. Unfortunately for one of the admirals, who complains about Kylo's inability to get his blue milk order correct the first time, he meets a bloody end.

"Oh my god," Kylo says without a change in his voice after the admiral's brain goes to mush. "Are you OK?" Obviously not!

But everyone's already in on Kylo as the mysterious new intern. "That new intern's Kylo Ren, right?" a Stormtrooper asks in a talking head moment, while the other interns start to gossip over "Randy's" true identity after he breaks yet another printer.

That evening, Kylo goes to an intern dance party where he meets another young female intern who has ambitious dreams of being a fighter pilot. But she can only go forth if she gets the official greenlight from Kylo. "The culture here needs to change. If I can be a small part of that change, I will," Kylo says, as he surprises her the next morning with a pilot's helmet of her own and a super sweet non-Kylo-esque note.

"Maybe you'll be as good of a pilot as Kylo Ren," Kylo says with hope in his eyes. 

"Kylo Ren? Nah, I want to fly like Luke Skywalker," she says. Not a second passes before Kylo kills her with his light saber. Brutal. "And now you'll die like him too."

But for Kylo, killing one intern out of five is progress. And you know what, that's all that matters... for now.

Watch SNL's original Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base sketch from 2016 below.

Saturday Night Live airs live coast-to-coast on Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. PT/11:30 p.m. ET on NBC.

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